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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. Good question smitty. I haven't talked with anyone, but do know that one of them reassigned to Middle School had offers at Memorial and Bridge City. I have heard nothing more. I was wandering if any of the coaches Faircloth was bringing has arrived. Heard one of them coming was excellent and could have gotten a HC job, but wanted to be with Faircloth.Says a lot about him. I have talked with some from Permian who said we got a great one, that he was completely responsible for engineering Permians offensive success.

    But back to the original subject I wish Welch and Broussard the best and will definitely be interested in seeing where they end up.

  2. We'll be ok kf. The athletes are just fine.We were definitely down LAST year but the year before we won district.Well let me rephrase, we tied for district with Lumberton after we beat them because Dayton beat us. Our Freshman this past season were really good. Like it or not the future looks bright  8).We are excited about the upcoming season on the Reservation.

  3. Why do other communities hammer on those that better themselves?  I don't live in PNG district but if they deem it important to better their facilities then good for them.  It can only make this entire area more attractive for playoffs which bring in dollars to the entire area.  I live about 30 miles away from PNG but if they make their stadium better then some of it may just trickle down to my community.  I'm never gonna bash the other man for improving what he has.  And from someone that lives in an "industry heavy" community I'm not gonna say anything about the smell.  To me it smells like money.  There is always a price to be paid for industry and jobs.  Most communities will kill for it.  Don't let em fool ya.

    PNG Guys-  You got something good going. Don't let the negatives get you down.  Be proud of what ya got and where you're going. 

    Thanks for the kind words bear.

  4. This one kind of comes as a surprise. Allman is a graduate of Permian.Money talks.

    True, he is from Odessa, but he's still a young coach looking to make his mark at on 39yrs old!  Gotta give it to him...if you make that much money, you better be winning state titles...not just playing in them...winning...this could turn out to be bad news....the pressure is on....GOOD LUCK!

    Good point. Very true.

  5. OK I apologize the res has the cleanest air I have ever breathed I will not disrespect it again, and the view of the tank farm is beautiful. ;D

    And to think I pay 4000 a year in taxes to live by these beautiful plants   :(. You would think my taxes would be cheaper with the plants tax money, but we can thank robin hood for that. Actually the tax payers are paying for the stadium.

  6. Matt is good, but there are several other names that I heard about like Benoit, Kerr, and a couple of others. Matt was voted most athletic at school, but I think there may a few guys ahead of him. This is pure speculation, and I imagine Coach Faircloth will give all player s a chance to beat out others for the starting position. Good luck to all

    With Coach Faircloth's past record with QB's I would say we will have the right kid playing next year.

  7. A PN-G person told me...A large lineman was puking and he was bending over.  Coach told him "we don't bend over--if you have to puke stand up straight like a man".  He also said all boys will play and all boys will be in shape.

    actually he said all boys at the MS and Freshman level will play because it is a developmental stage and they need to find out who can and can't on the field at those ages. love the attitude!

    He also wants ALL the middle school athletic periods to be first period so the varsity coaches can be at the middle school practices every morning.

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