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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. If this is true about Cary coming from Aledo, then again we are getting another coach from a great program. Cary was not the DC, but the Aledo team this year allowed just under 9 points a game and last year I beleive it was, they pitched 5 shutouts. Not bad!

    I totally agree!  We have the right coaches in place to bring PNG back to the outstanding football program that it once was!

    The right moves are being made, no doubt. Kudos to our school board and hiring committee, they truly did the right thing. They were catching a lot of flack over the masters deal, but appears they did the right thing after all.

  2. This thing will last good until the good ole boys get restless.  Faircloth is bringing Joe Dale Carey as his DC from Aledo.  He will also be looking to replace up to 4 other coaches at all levels.  Especially at the middle school levels.  Word is he wants to bring a WR and QB coach as well.  He has full authority from the school board to do so. Might not all happen from year 1 but eventually it will go down.  As a few posts read earlier some need to go and others need to be motivated.  Everyone must remember Malone came in under the same situation, but only lasted 2 years.  The natives were crying from day one, so get ready because as many people that want Fairclothe, the good ole boys still want the current  staff. I think everyone knows at least one coach and they must all make up there minds to buy into his system.  And as we all know at the end of the year not only were we losing, but it has been said publicly by the old staff we just had ZERO talent.  So I think a change of heart is needed.

    WE have to trust and support Coach Faircloth!The school board and hiring committee did their part now we must do ours and support 100%. Good times are coming back whether others like it or not.

  3. Good post NDNWarrior, there is definitely a lot of excitement in the community. The school board and hiring committee did exactly what one of them told me they were going to do.They did a good job, they hired the best fit for us and the masters requirement contrary to the beliefs of some did not hurt. I have read too some posts referring to hiring someone with no HC experience, because that is the only thing they can find to criticize with Coach Faircloth.  And you are correct I have seen NONE of these posts from the PNG fans, only outsiders.

  4. The big picture here is not the offense. We know the guy can put the points up. The question is the defense. I have not heard many people talk about how the defense will be without Matt Burnett.

    Take my word for it as a Nederland Fan, you can put up 50 points and still lose the game.

    At this point you're right, not much talk about the Defense. Until we know what changes the new coach makes it will be hard to say. As far as the defense we had I felt Carl Broussard did a good job with what we had last year. Since he was from McNeese there was no change in what we have been doing for years(with the exception of year that Fischer ran it). He runs the same defense as Matt always did.

  5. Come on people, I'm a supporter of Lumberton NOT PNG, but give the coach a break.  How do you become a HC without someone giving you a chance?  I'm sure they looked at his accomplishments in his current position and looked at his leadership skills.  Good Luck PNG!

    Good post. I'm pretty sure Hooks, Barbay, and Neumann all had to start somewhere. I doubt too many are hired straight out of school as HC's. Faircloth led the Permian offense as offense coordinator, and did it well. Does he have HC experience? No, but im glad we chose to take a chance on him. I like what i've been reading on him.

  6. There are some good ones out there that want to be HC's. I noticed several that have put in for more than one HC job across the state. A couple I noticed that need to be considered are Satcher(DC at Clear Lake), and Byron Dawson(Defensive coach for Evangel Christian in Louisiana).There were several good ones in the hunt for the LCM job, so it should be interesting.Good Luck to LCM, Central, PAM, and Jasper in their coaching hunt.

  7. How many new assistants will he be able to hire?

    This is the hidden content, please

    Odessa Permian assistant set to be PN-G football coach, vote pending


    January, 30, 2009

    Odessa Permian assistant football coach Brandon Faircloth might be the next head football coach at Port Neches-Groves.

    Faircloth, an offensive coordinator at Permian, will be presented to the school board for a vote during a Tuesday meeting, PN-G ISD Superintendent Lani Randall said Friday.

    Permian averaged 41.4 points per game during an undefeated, 10-game regular season last year. The Panthers won two playoff games and lost to Allen, 28-22, in the Class 5A Division I area round.

    He will get to hire or bring in two assistants minimum. Riley Burnett retired and Coach Cobb is retiring.

  8. He would be a good fit for PNG, but I think his heart is somewhere else as well :-\

    3 to 4 years tops barring quick success. Could be gone even quicker. Outside coaches are building resumes.

    Thats the nature of the business, would never want to hold anyone back.The plus is the learning oppurtunity for the younger existing assistants to learn his system. This will be an awesome learning experience for our younger assistants.

  9. Been hearin a lot of talk last night and today that PNG should have an early "FIRE IT UP" Pep Rally with the band, Cheerleaders, Indianettes, Indian Spirit, and ALL the young men that will be representing the Indians in the fall, to welcome Coach Faircloth and his family to PNG.  I thing it would be GREAT for all of us thousands of fans that bleed "purple" to come out, fill up our new Reservation and give Coach Faircloth the true meaning of HONOR>>>>PRIDE>>>>TRADITION !  What do you NDN fans think about this?

    Good Idea, a welcome party.

  10. So, does "Mojo" become "Mojeaux" now?  Just had to throw that one in there.  I'm really glad PNG got Faircloth for a headcoach....I think he will take our NDN's to a higher plane this year. I just want to throw kudos to some of the other teams in our district....even though I've been bashed by Lumberton fans, I feel they will be strong again this year, as well as Central, Livingston, and Nederland.  I NEVER count out Vidor and really, sincerely, hope they make it to the playoffs this year....they've worked hard over there.  Good luck to LCM and their new coach (whoever that will be), I really like LCM.  And Ozen, good luck to you fellas as well. And, even though they are not in our district anymore, Dayton is ALWAYS the real deal and I've grown to really like Dayton alot ( must be the purple).  To me, WE have the BEST 4a district in the state and I hope and pray that SOMEONE from our district goes all the way to state this year.  Best of luck to ALL the teams and ALL the fans!

    Good post, our district is getting better and better. Hopefully 20 4A will get a State Championship to its credit soon.

  11. "First of all, it's extremely humbling to be associated with a program of such rich tradition as Port Neches-Groves," Faircloth said late Friday night. "I am ready to go to work immediately and get this thing going."

    "I think PN-G is very similar to all those schools. They all have great communities, high expectations, great academics and a wonderful, supportive fan base," he said.

    "When you put those things together that is a great formula for success."

    Faircloth said he ran a multi-formation, multi-personnel offense at Permian and would implement the same system at PN-G.

    "We will take what the defense gives us and we will take advantage of our intelligent players," he said. "We want to put our kids in great situations where we can be successful."

    Faircloth said he stressed his views on football and education during his interview.

    He said the hardest part about the interview was getting "my heart across" to the interview committee.

    "You want them to see your heart and how it's related to those kids, the program and the community," he said.

    "I think the experiences I have been through at Westlake, Highland Park and Odessa has prepared me for this."

    Faircloth IS the REAL deal.........I like this guy and the way he thinks...."Mojeaux" !

    Very warm welcome to Coach Faircloth, we look forward to his arrival.

  12. Congrats to you PNG looks like you got a top notch coach. Lets just hope the new coach has the talanted players at PNG to run his new offense. The title may run through mid county but it will be a few years before it runs through PNG.

    Learning a complex offensive scheme will be more of a challenge than worrying about the talent. As far as Mid County did you attend the PNG - Nederland Freshman game this past season? ;D

    I was there, Nederland had like 300 yards of penalties, the best team don't always win, that was the case that night.   The Nederland freshman class was the most talented group of freshman I saw play last year.  Nederland had 5 sophs starting on varsity last year, they have some of their most talent laden classes coming through since Neumann has been there.  The CO group hasn't lost in 3 years... we'll just play the games and find out.

    Typical statement, we've heard this EXCUSE before. We admit it, we have never beat Nederland because we were better than them. Even though the record over time is in our favor 47 -31 -7. All 47 of those wins was because of the officials(bad calls) or ya'll had some of your players injured.Ya'll were better and should have won all 47 of those games.We know!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I was going to congratulate PNG on getting a new coach. Ok, I'll do it anyway....CONGRATS

    Posts like the one above make me ill. A program on the brink of extinction, all of a sudden gets a new coach, then you start the trash talk with lifetime records. Dude, get a life. There is absolutely no comparison between sub-varsity and varsity ball.

    Relax dude, it was just a response to brubaker and his usual crud. I believe if you research a lot of my posts about Nederland you'll see most are positive. I have a ton of respect for the program Neumann has built there. Sorry, didn't intend to offend any of the many classy Nederland fans it was for the other type like brubaker. We all have em.

  13. Congrats to you PNG looks like you got a top notch coach. Lets just hope the new coach has the talanted players at PNG to run his new offense. The title may run through mid county but it will be a few years before it runs through PNG.

    Learning a complex offensive scheme will be more of a challenge than worrying about the talent. As far as Mid County did you attend the PNG - Nederland Freshman game this past season? ;D

    I was there, Nederland had like 300 yards of penalties, the best team don't always win, that was the case that night.   The Nederland freshman class was the most talented group of freshman I saw play last year.  Nederland had 5 sophs starting on varsity last year, they have some of their most talent laden classes coming through since Neumann has been there.  The CO group hasn't lost in 3 years... we'll just play the games and find out.

    Typical statement, we've heard this EXCUSE before. We admit it, we have never beat Nederland because we were better than them. Even though the record over time is in our favor 47 -31 -7. All 47 of those wins was because of the officials(bad calls) or ya'll had some of your players injured.Ya'll were better and should have won all 47 of those games.We know!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. We also going to miss The Young Coach.

    I'll still be around.  And I am very happy for Coach Faircloth.  He is a good coach.  Garrett knows that God is in control of his life and His plans for him are much greater than he could ever imagine. Evidently, he still has some more lives to touch in Duncanville.  That is what coaching is all about, not the X's and O's.  Our life on Earth is very short compared to the time spent in eternity.  The measure of a great man is not what he does while on this planet, but what he leaves behind.  All great coaches, like Garrett, influence young people and old alike on a daily basis. That is their calling. 

    Anyway, I will keep up with the Indians, since they seem to be part of my family now and I wish them the best of luck in the spring learning the new offense and defense. 

    Honor, Pride, Tradition!!!

    Scalp 'em Indians!!!

    Excellent Post!  You are so right....God is in charge and we need to ALWAYS seek HIS guidance and surrender to HIS will while we are here.  From what I've read and heard, Garrett is a good man and I'm sure God has a plan for him.  Young Coach let him know he put forth a valiant effort, and yes, he IS part of the PNG family!

    Scalp 'em, NDN's, Scalp 'em!

    Amen, tell Coach Garrett we wish him the best of luck. He is a good coach and will make an impact wherever he is.

  15. Congrats to you PNG looks like you got a top notch coach. Lets just hope the new coach has the talanted players at PNG to run his new offense. The title may run through mid county but it will be a few years before it runs through PNG.

    Learning a complex offensive scheme will be more of a challenge than worrying about the talent. As far as Mid County did you attend the PNG - Nederland Freshman game this past season? ;D

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