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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. He was just using PNG to jockey for a raise....User!

    I agree....I think he came to PNG with a bunch of hype and expected them to give him what he wanted.....I'm glad he withdrew his name...he wasn't right for the job at PNG.

    Right now, as it stands, I think Chris Garrett is the frontrunner.  He's had his interview, and front what I heard, the committee was impressed with his enthusiam, youthfulness, and motivation.  Im not trying to be here to try to sell a "coach", but thats the fact.  Now, I would also say, that if Stump wants the job, he needs to make a move.  I don't think PNG will go crawlin to Stump and make an offer. I want a coach like everyone else, but I want the RIGHT coach to be Head Chief at The Reservation.

    Good post, I agree.

  2. So, Danaher is out.  Chris Garrett, from what I hear, had a great interview.  Has Faircloth even interviewed yet?  I haven't heard if he has.

    Haven't heard about Faircloth, but heard the same about Garretts interview. Heard he was very enthusiastic and would be a great motivator. Would like to see the Malone type of enthusiasm return.

    Me too.  Heard Garrett had a really good interview with lots of enthusiam.  Wish I knew if Faircloth had interviewed yet or not.  Still wondering why all of a sudden Danaher withdrew his name.  Something must have happened in the interview. He may just have gotten "cold feet" and 2nd guessed himself.  Who knows!

    If the numbers I heard the job originally was going to pay is right then he(Danaher) wasn't getting a raise to come.

    And thats not saying anything about the PNG pay. It is going to be a very well paying job. Danaher is just very well paid at Calallen.
  3. So, Danaher is out.  Chris Garrett, from what I hear, had a great interview.  Has Faircloth even interviewed yet?  I haven't heard if he has.

    Haven't heard about Faircloth, but heard the same about Garretts interview. Heard he was very enthusiastic and would be a great motivator. Would like to see the Malone type of enthusiasm return.

    Me too.  Heard Garrett had a really good interview with lots of enthusiam.  Wish I knew if Faircloth had interviewed yet or not.  Still wondering why all of a sudden Danaher withdrew his name.  Something must have happened in the interview. He may just have gotten "cold feet" and 2nd guessed himself.  Who knows!

    If the numbers I heard the job originally was going to pay is right then he(Danaher) wasn't getting a raise to come.

  4. We'll know that day (Feb. 10) if not sooner.

    You think it may be sooner ? Can a school board give complete authority to the Committee ?

    They can announce who they are going to present to the school board.  Like Brownwood announced last week that Shipley will be presented to the board tonight.  It's usually just a formality isn't it?

    You're probably correct, the school board approval is just a formality. Can't see them not approving a recommendation.

  5. Please do not take this an any way as an assault on Coach Bolton.  I am speaking in generalities.  Why would a hiring committee hire someone that was part of a program that was unsuccessful?  It also is a negative perception that the  person had the previous leader fired so he could get the job.  Not saying that is what happened but no matter how good of a coach the person was, he was still part of a program that did not meet expectations.  That would be like hiring an assistant from another program that was 0-10.  I am not sure the community would go for that at all.  That is how most processes play out.  I am sure LC-M will hire the person best suited for the job.

    I agree, sometimes a complete change is needed. We have some good assistants at PNG, our DC could probably get a HC job(he's a good one) but I wouldn't want any of them to take over PNG. If it was situation such as Nederland then I would say someone like Monty Barrow their OC would be a good choice. But lets face it PNG and LCM are in a complete different situation. Well, at least for the time being.

  6. I appreciate the kind words from the Indian fans, although I don't know if that is a hint of sarcasism.  Our goal is still to play for a district title or the second best thing...a playoff spot.  We have the talent to do it.

    No sarcasm from me. Meant it sincerely, it would be easy to get down (for me) but he is staying positive.You guys will be right in the middle of the mix next year I am fairly certain of that. I thought highly of Stowers, but ya'll will be ok.

  7. Einstein's definition of insanity:    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting change."   With this argument in place, sometimes 'change' is needed in order to have success. ;D

    A lot of outsiders don't want to see change at PNG........ But guess whats thats just a little bit to darn bad isn't it. Change is coming.

    I sure hope so, pngfan1 !  And I'm "1" of the thousands of fans that want the change.  ;D

    If they get the right man it is coming.

  8. Garrett has more championships than all those coaches combined:

    As a player

    1986 - Plano Wildcats (5AAAAA State Champions)

    1987 - Plano Wildcats (5AAAAA State Champions), (Mythical National Champions)

    1988 - Navarro College  (Texas Junior College Conference Champions), (Mythical National Champions)

    As a coach

    2000-2001 - Northeast Oklahoma A&M College (Lone Star Conference Champions - 2nd in conference in overall offense)  ***By the way...N.E.O. has 8 National Championships.

    2002-2004 - Mississippi College (Passing Game Coordinator) *Lead the ASC (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi D-III conference in passing)

    2005-2007 - Plano West (Offense ranked 7th in the state in 2006)

    2008 - Duncanville (Working with Jeff Dicus, who is known for turning programs around, and took Duncanville to the playoffs for the first time in four years.)

    One word is associated with Garrett:  CHAMPION

    This is impressive, good to get some info on him. I didn't know enough about him, but I am impressed. A good young coach that could bring some enthusiasm back to PNG.

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