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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. I thought they were looking for a staff full of energy, excitement and discipline. 

    Ya'll had exactly that with Danny Malone. 

    Yes we definitely did. Hated to see him go.

    Yeah, the "Malone" days sure were nice!   ;D

    Most FUN PN-G ever had! I am not from PN-G, but I was there come playoff time! Malone & Co. rocked!   ;D

    Can't deny the excitement then. My favorite was the playoff game against #2 ranked Jasper, we surprise them with a quick 14 - 0 lead then an onside kick leading to a 21 - 0 lead.

  2. kfdm.com

    The Hardin County grand jury has decided not to indict three Silsbee High School football players who were charged with sexually assaulting a cheerleader during a party, according to District Attorney David Sheffield.

    The grand jury heard about three hours of testimony Monday before voting to no-bill Christian Rountree, 18, Rakheem Bolton, 17, and a 16 year old juvenile.

    They were accused of sexually assaulting a Silsbee High School cheerleader last October during a party at a home in Silsbee.

    "The action by the grand jury ends the matter unless something such as newly discovered evidence arises and necessitates presentment of the case to this or another grand jury," said Sheffield.

    Sheffield told KFDM News everyone involved in the case is a victim of underage drinking and an extreme lack of adult supervision.

    "Because everyone had been drinking, it would have made it difficult to prove the allegations raised in this case," said Sheffield.

    "Everyone's memory and degree of accuracy in their recollections would make it tough to prove."

    A woman at the home where the party took place faces misdemeanor charges of making alcohol available to minors.

    "I've been astonished about how many adults we've had throwing parties and allowing alcohol to be consumed by minors. They don't have the maturity to handle alcohol in these situations," said Sheffield.

    Sheffield says because the players and the cheerleader are no more than three years apart in age, state law prevents prosecution for sexual assault if the grand jury cannot determine consent.  He says if the age difference had been greater than three years, state law allows for prosecution of sexual assault, even if there's consent.

    "The case has deeply divided the community of Silsbee and especially Silsbee High School." Sheffield strongly warns that any retribution, threats or harassment of the victim could result in 3rd degree felony Retaliation charges being filed.

      If indicted and convicted, the teens could have faced up to 20 years in prison.

    Adults providing minors with alcohol is getting to be a big problem everywhere , that needs to be dealt with.

  3. I don't know....I just thought PNG was tired of "old school" football.  I thought they were looking for a staff full of energy, excitement and discipline. 

    Young Coach I believe all the PNG fans have a coach that they believe will be best. No matter who they choose, we need to back and support that person 100%. I know I have an opinion of the top 4, and I believe we will be fine with ANY of those. Yeah one may a little better, but I think its a win win situation. I will support whoever gets chosen.

  4. Just puttin this out there.....Danaher definitely has the record and would be a good coach. As far as moving, I believe his wife is a curriculum specialist for the CC school district and was at one time an Assistant Principal.  So, its clear that she has a career as well.  Now, I've heard he may have applied as a leverage to get more money from CC, but, I think he would have to consider his wife's career as well.  Anyone else have an opinion along this line?

    Danaher was one of the coaches that didn't want the list released to the media. Therefore I don't agree with the leverage for a raise speculation. IMO he will take the job if offered.

  5. Do we change the name of the thread now. Let's vote Dunaher and ?

    Looks like it should be re-titled to Danaher and Garrett.  Word is that Stump will be staying at Westbrook, but can't get it confirmed.

    Looks like a no brainer.... Danaher is the man.The rest of 20 4A does not want to see this. Second choice would be Faircloth.

  6. Of course I don't have no dog in this hunt what soever but be warned PN-G fans:  Sissy Ball is coming to the Reservation if Stump is hired plus he needs his assistants plus some hellified talent to make this go.  Think about all the talent that went to Brook these last 4-5 years.  Chaison, Williams, Chaivous, Louis, Micheals, the Falgout Bros., I can go on and on but Stump would win around here but as soon as he got into the Houston Burbs, WB would get ran out of the stadium.  I don't know if MC can stand 2 Sissy Ball playing programs.  Doesn't work in PA either......

    So PNG and Nederland play "SissyBall"!  Awww....c'mon man, that's a cheap shot at the fellas that dress out each and every Friday night!

    I think he's referring to the spread offense if the new coach brings it in.

  7. Faircloth is one of the speakers at the Nike coach of the year conference in Dallas this week. I'm sure not all coaches get the prevlidge of speaking to group of coaches like this. This is a top notch conference

    He definitely is a good one, I think we have three guys that we can't go wrong with. But my vote is for Danaher first.

  8. Watched the vids and seems like Vance has a good thing going at Liberty Hill.  Does anyone know or can speculate why he is wanting to leave Liberty Hill for PNG?

    I "speculate" that he would like more money for retirement!  Either that, or he would like to go back to LH and say, "this is what PN-G is offering me, can you match that?"

    Hey Young Coach, do you know how old Vance is?  He looks to be about the same age as Danaher.  From what I'm seeing and hearing, the top contenders for PNG HC/AD are Garrett, Vance, Danaher.

    I'm not sure how old Vance is, but I'm guessing early 60's?  Same as Danaher....both ready for retirement after they get their best three years of salary.  Of course...that's just my "speculation".  I could be wrong. 

    I still say the best two candidates for PN-G; somebody that will be there for 15+ years and continue the honor, pride and tradition that the Indians pride themselves upon, are Garrett and Faircloth.

    To The Young Coach

    Danaher is not applying at PNG to boost his retirement. I know...because I recruited him for this position. He is currently in an area that has a decreasing population base, and, in my opinion, changing demographics that are not favorable for producing a state champion. He wants a state title before he retires. Period. There's no hidden agenda. And hopefully he can make it happen here. He plans on coaching for at least eight more years.

    If he is going to coach for 8 more years then I hope he gets it. He would put the program back to a top notch level. The younger coahes there would learn a lot from him. Another thing is if he could get the program back where it needs to be then when he leaves there be a lot of good choices that would want to inherit the job.The "list of candidates would be a good one.

  9. Not much behind Danaher and Vance.  I've said from the start:  not an impressive list.  I'll admit, this did surprise me that there were not more "marquee" names.

    Danaher would be the no brainer....If Vance was brought in, PNG should have just kept Burnett and told him to get something more out of the offense.....

    Who on that list after those (2) are solid?

    I expected names like Faircloth(Top Notch OC), and maybe Vance (top level 3A Coach), but Danaher surpasses my expectations.

  10. Word in the 3A world is he's just trying to get a little more money at LH.

    Well, if that's the case, it's a good thing the applicant list got released. Now LH will know he is putting his hat in the ring for another job. Just think, if the list had never been released he wouldn't have had a bargaining chip. 

    ;D  ;D  ;D

    From what I hear Danaher was the applicant that asked that they try and keep the list from the media. If true then it should say a little about his intentions.

    As far as Vance and is offense is concerned, PNG has been a run, run, pass, punt offense for so long now, I think alot of people are leary of running even more. I agree you can run to a state title if you are mixing it up and play good defense, but we had that here and it just wasn't getting it. I think we want something a little different. But if they do hire Vance I won't argue with the sucess!

    Danaher intended to keep it confidential from his athletes. If offered the position, he wanted to break the news to his team, not the local newspaper. His Superintendant was informed of his intentions before he applied. Danaher adapts his offense to the athletes in his program. If talent exists at the QB position he has been know to run a shotgun/spread offense. That's part of the reason his programs have been so successful.

    Thats all I could ask for is to run what your talent lets you.Let the talent dictate, you can't force the spread if O if you don't have the kids to do it, and same is true for power ground game. I am not hung up like some on throwing because it is different. Just do what works, if its running the ball then go for it and control the clock.

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