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Posts posted by pngfan1

  1. Did a great job doing what?  They accepted applications then they tried to hide the names.  Then the AG forced them to release the list.  So explain what great job they have done.

    I personally called the school board and told them they have done a great job.

    making a fool of themselves and a mockery of the due process.   

         I couldn't agree with Old Gabe anymore if I had said it myself.  Posts like yours is the reason I logged into this board.  PNG's admin USED their due process appealing to the state A.G.  Why go through the process?  I don't know.  If I wanted to know I could pick up the phone right now and find out, but I am trusting the notion that it is in an attempt to get the best coach possible.  The only folks making fools and a mockery of themselves are people making statements like yours on this board and the usual malcontents on pngindians.com.  They all have one thing in common.  When someone asks them to prove how, they have no reply.  Love to see yours.

         PNG's ace in the hole IMHO is a certain Middle School principal/ former DC and a current HS principal/ former varsity coach who are on the committee and are both very sharp cookies.  I think we are in good hands.  I also plan on telling every board member that I see "good job".  If it caused Bob West to have a chapped arse, I'll tell them "great job"!

    I agree, they obviously had good legal advice. They contested the FOI to the AG, then when the AG ruled against them they immediately released the lists. No law was broken. I am pleased with the job our school board and hiring committee is doing.Now just continue on and close the deal.

  2. If you look at CCalallen the demographics are changing and not for the football better...I could see Danaher wanting a 5-8 year deal and bring a couple young gun OC/DC with him...heck he could keep some of the better young guys PNG has and coach them up to do what he wants...

    I still see these names as potential also....

    Vance...Proven winner

    Critchlow...Experience at all levels....(could bring Barbay with him)

    Faircloth....Not really the #2 guy in Odessa...They have an Assoc Hd Coach and he was at HPark...



    Langston...NCAA Sanctions

    Excellent post, someone did a little research.

  3. SO who is this mystery applicant ? If there is one then his name should be out there too ! 

    There is no mystery applicant. There was a group of folks in the community trying to convince Stump to apply. It aint happening. Danaher is the right man for the job. I think he still has 10 years left and we currently have some good young coaches who could learn a great bit from him.

  4. Can anyone tell me why Alvarez is wanting to move?  I'm not slamming LCM....but if he is wanting to move up or continue to move up, why not to a 5-A school?  Is he wanting a new challenge?  Why?

    One step at a time.

    Why do you say that pngfan?  You think Alvarez is PNG's man?

    I don't know about PNG? I think there may be a step to be taken before 5A.  I think a step from 2A Kirbyville to A 4A like LC-M or PNG would be more likely than landing a 5A deal.

    I've seen 1A to 5A before. And 1A to 4A several times. 

    I've also seen 5A guys (coordinators) come down to 1A's as HC's and not be successful. If a person is a good coach, then they can coach at any level. 

    I agee in that it depends on the team and the coach. But, there is a huge difference in 2A and 5A ball in general.

  5. Can anyone tell me why Alvarez is wanting to move?  I'm not slamming LCM....but if he is wanting to move up or continue to move up, why not to a 5-A school?  Is he wanting a new challenge?  Why?

    One step at a time.

    Why do you say that pngfan?  You think Alvarez is PNG's man?

    I don't know about PNG? I think there may be a step to be taken before 5A.  I think a step from 2A Kirbyville to A 4A like LC-M or PNG would be more likely than landing a 5A deal.

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