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Everything posted by pngfan1

  1. Can't blame the coach either, if he is wanting to advance to the next level he is closer where he is at. The only advantage i honestly would see for him going to PNG would be putting his kids in a much better school district education wise and it would be a little raise in salary.But on the other hand he has an established program where he is at. This is all only based on who I think we are talking about.
  2. They probably gave that one up. Can't blame em for trying.
  3. Thanks for the info, Nick. Should have had it at Hooters. ;D Best idea i have heard yet.
  4. I believe your right. The pressure to release the the list ended up just being pressure just to speed the process up. Not what was intended but thats how its playing out. I bet the finalist list be released before long.
  5. I believe Hooks, Neumann, and Stump are are three of the few HC's in the area with masters.
  6. I know and agree there are plenty other AD's without masters as per my point to Smitty. But it has ALWAYS been policy at PNG, it didn't just start because Nederlands AD has a masters, I guarantee that. Burnett was the first at PNG to get the HC job without masters.
  7. But is is hooked with the Head Football coach? ( And with most other schools, it is.).. I am not just talking about PNG here. I would guess it is for the pure purpose to be able to pay the head football coach more money. Correct, If not they could have just had Barbara Comeaux as athletic director and Matt B. as HC.But, how could they have justified paying Matt more than the AD?
  8. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first". I am telling you, it is because Nederland's AD has one. I am convinced of that fact. There are still plenty of ADs without master's. There are AD's without masters. It has always been a policy at PNG to have a masters.That is why now , we have co AD's. Barbara Comeaux (has a masters) and Matt Burnett (first PNG coach that did not have masters).This arrangement was put in place when Matt replaced Tim Owens. It has nothing to do with Nederland I can assure you of that. :
  9. Barbara Comeaux has been CO AD at PNG since Burnett has been there. She will be retiring soon, thats why the masters is being required for this hiring. They are hiring an AD.
  10. Dr. Randall might not want to get on that same list Bob West has Jerry Jones on. :
  11. I would like to know who is on it just to know, but they have never released names before until finalists were announced.
  12. From what I see now by looking at the topics on this board. If the list is released by PNG , any other topics won't stand a chance. You won't be able to keep them on the first page. Oh well lets look at it on the bright side, PNGISD has given us something to debate or discuss. Gotta have something to do until baseball season starts.
  13. We have never released anything until the finalists in previous hirings. Just seems that SOME schools choose to release all now.
  14. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Actually dude, Matt Burnett was the first PNG Head Coach that didn't have his masters. Well let me say at least back to Ethridge.All of them had Masters.Ethridge, Troy, Malone and Owens all had masters.
  15. Ozen has went through their share.
  16. LeBouef was a great back, most on here are to young to know. But, Jeff was the best. He was the number two back recruited nationally behind Tony Dorsett.
  17. No disrespect Coop, but what would be the point? I agree, what would that accomplish?
  18. Great post. We all would LIKE[b]to know, but it doesn't benefit the taxpayers(which I am) at all. I have a feeling that there is one maybe two current HEAD COACHES elsewhere that applied and wish this to be kept quiet until further in the process. The current school board IS NOT trying to do any brother in law stuff. Trust me, they just got out of that situation and are wanting to hire the best coach we can.
  19. It has become more common as Coop says. We used to only see the finalists,this seems to be changing.LaMarque only posted the finalists names last year though. I remember in 1989 PNG only made the finalists public. There were four. I can only remember three of the names, Danny Malone, Bruce Bush, and Richard Marler. Showing my age huh? Oh well.
  20. Never know, may be a coach out there( that would be the right one) that brings a QB with him.
  21. PNGISD is just probably trying their best to honor some of the applicants request to keep it confidential. I believe PNG may have more to lose than some of the coaches if they don't handle it that way. I have a feeling theres going to be some surprised people.
  22. Whooosh! LaMarque
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