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  1. ok look man Dayton will stomp in crosby by how many they want they set a score and they will eventually get it with ronnie powell and Alanzo Dugat they will tear you a new one so go ahead and head home and crawl in your bed and go to sleep ok Dayton big dayton 57-Crosby maybe 14
  2. Well thanks bronco09 for informing me of the and correcting me i used to go to dayton and possibly moving back i know brent kimmy, frend , AJ Dugat , Powell etc.. i know alot of them
  3. how in the world do you down coach price he has a EXCELLENT OFFENSE so how dare you dog or down him if you down him then you shouldnt be a bh fan no more go off to sterling or lee dayton and bh are doing rather good this year dayton is almost excellnt this year
  4. WOW class of 2010 the best of ALL is Carter Smith of Barbers Hill look him up hes got over 400 reciving YARDS AWSOME SPEED
  5. looks like the final game of the district season is going to a tough one for all 4 teams Barbers Hill Vs. Undeafted Glena Park and Dayton Vs. Undeafted PN-G wow what a game going to be for a disrtict title wow let go Eagles and LETS GO BRONCOS LETS GO DUGAT going to be 2 very close ones BH vs. Galena Park 28-30 idk Dayton vs. PN-G 48-35 dayton hard to predict going to be two VERY CLOSE ONES
  6. Ok so if it was EXSPOSED to be a BLOWOUT then why wasnt it i have been to every game except bellville and wow new caney has gotten better since last season so if it was exsposed to be a blow out then why wansnt
  7. They should Play harder not play the JV they play us in practice when we go full pads each week and it is a great practice they dont really look at is a game but i sure do .... i still think that this will be a close game to call but you never know BH may blow Smiley out but smiley is very athletic and has potential to beat anyone with speed they have all they would need to be undeafeted is more attitude adjustment and a better passing game .
  8. Ok well look how cocky your getting there grizzlyadams not trying to down the hill at all but the Junior Varsity is doing alot better than yall I under stand that you play a LITTLE Bigger guys but come on the JV is 5-1 they lost to wharton who they wernt ready for the coaching staff at BH is a great staff the kids just need to get on it and get to work and do there best ive been to all the games but one which was lost to crosby 48-14 i was in dayton and they annouced it over there PA and i was like wow Eagles getting crushed im all for the eagles but come on work harder
  9. Ok so this week is Barbers Hills Homecoming and they go agaisnt smiley which has proved to be a great team this year and are doing good they came back to beat New Caney in the final seconds of the game they have speed and Streghth going to be a close on hope BH wins my predictions is BH 28 - Smiley 21 going to be a close one
  10. Ok well i know it doesnt count much but Barbers Hill Freshman Blue and Junior Varsity both Beat Crosby Freshman blew crosby out and The Junor Varsity came back after fighting on offensice final score for the JV was 9-7 thank you very much
  11. What do you think the score will be after Barbers Hill coming off a bye Week against forest brook ? post here
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