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Everything posted by uknowit2

  1. I deleted the post. It was too personal. I'm not in the Hardin coach's shoes and I don't know what they have to deal with.
  2. My bad. Didn't catch the comment at the bottom.
  3. NP. Can't argue with the rankings though, other than a 1A team over several very good 3 and 2A schools. Depth makes a big difference.
  4. Last time I checked, Cleveland was 3A.
  5. How did this one end up?
  6. Um. Hardin beat EC by 7 points with a few minutes left in the game. So much for the "fairly good margin". But I like the way the folks from Hardin spin the facts. Wouldn't be suprised if the 55-0 whoppin Hardin got last week isn't worse this week. EC is a much better team than last year. Hardin's 1 man team has a bobo.
  7. It is. You're a smart fellow. Except it's 'and' not 'an'.
  8. Is #7 going to be able to play tomorrow for EC?
  9. It won't take much for them to do better than 55-0.
  10. Er...EC defense has given up 0 points in 2 disrict games. Hardin 55 in 1 district game. Who has problems stopping the run? Before you cut down Buna, they're going to beat Hardin too.
  11. Right. I'm sure that's the first thing that came to everyone's mind accross the state when they saw '55-0' Saturday morning. "That Hardin is pretty good".
  12. EC - 28 HH - 13 Take it to the bank.
  13. I vote they let him stay around. There is a certain entertainment value in his posts. He's not the brightest crayon in the box and I'm sure most Hardin folks are somewhat embarrassed by him, but he is the definition of what a 'homer' is. (In more ways than one) I Know, I know... Before you respond, I'm an idiot, moron, stupid, retarded and you're hitting on my wife.
  14. I don't necessarily agree with this, every time he touched the ball he went about ten yards. The kid in his spot on defense was burnt for a few touchdowns, when he went in Anahuac ran away from him (which is just good coaching), so maybe not a blow out like it was. No one kid makes a team, but without him in there Hardins offense becomes very one dimensional, and if the passing game is off, we are in a world of trouble. Way to throw a backup under the bus. Your team gets trounced 55-0 and you manage to blame a second teamer. Think that young man may read this thread and see there's some yoyo pointing a finger at him? I'm not sure but I suspect Hardin had 11 players on the field when Anahuac scored all 55 points. That's why you're BushLeague.
  15. lol. The score speaks for itself. The Hardin football tradition of excellence continues... In their defense (if they had one), it's hard to get ready for district playing the schedule they did. But it makes for some impressive stats though. Let me get it started. Hardin 0-1 last in district - last in state Points per game last in district - last in state etc.
  16. Love it! Not only do Hardin folks have a hard time getting along with other people, they can't get along amongst themselves. AP - 35 HH - 7 This is just my opinion so please lay off the adjectives.
  17. Oh. My bad. I bet the Texas Juvenile Comm football team is tough as nails. Don't know about their singing.
  18. Texas Juvenile Commission?
  19. Single malt.
  20. Please, no more novels. Almost put me to sleep.
  21. I wouldn't be so sure. It's reported that a limo was spotted on Englin Rd. moving someone in a doublewide. Looked just like Will Ferr....er...Ron Burgundy.
  22. I'm sorry but reading his stuff, I think that is the REAL Ron Burgundy!
  23. No, what happened is when the ref blew the whistle ending the 3rd quarter, Jasper misread the clock and they all went to the dressing room. HF then put together an impressive 80 yard, 10 play drive. They did have 2 off side penalties and a fumble, but they did recover it. The 2 point conversion failed.
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