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Everything posted by Realville

  1. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Unbelieveable!
  2. Dr. Fauci is the world's leading authority in Junk Science.
  3. I don’t believe she is getting the vaccine either. Lol
  4. Yeah I hear ya our family was given a free kitten about 5 years ago an that cat sure has cost us some money over the years. Lol
  5. At this point in time all we have is spineless Republicans and Power hungry Democrats. The rest of the world is laughing at us and shaking their head.
  6. Obviously you do care because your on a thread that is asking how many have NOT been vaccinated trying to justify your case on why you should get vaccinated with a vaccine that you have no idea what the future health ramifications could be. Lol
  7. I have said it for the past 12 months an I’ll say it again. The country has been played like a fiddle and the cost is incalculable. Seems almost like a Big Psyops. Fear is a Liar.
  8. The President of the United States wears a mask on video calls. This is the dumbest time in human history.
  9. Racist....Let’s see if he gets canceled.
  10. An the Truth shall set you Free! But...but... Lebron says......
  11. The overwhelming majority of people who get shot by police are violent criminals breaking the law. And everyone knows it.
  12. Tweets & replies Media Likes Disclose.tv 🚨’s Tweets Disclose.tv @disclosetv · 1h JUST IN - Trump calls for the immediate deployment of state police or National Guard "to provide large-scale security" for the election audit in #Arizona, in a just-released statement.
  13. Amazing of how much resistance the forensic audits of the 2020 election have received around the country. One who has nothing to hide, hides nothing. [Hidden Content]
  14. “Cops need more training”. No— your children do. How hard is it to raise a child that doesn’t attempt to butcher other human beings to death? I’m sick of the degeneracy.
  15. I have zero tolerance for the level of stupidity this country has reached.
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