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Everything posted by Realville

  1. But at least their feelings aren’t being hurt by their Daddy Trump. They would rather watch their Fake President burn the country to the ground.
  2. I believe I may have to subscribe to his channel also. You can’t put it any plainer than that in reference to the Chauvin Case. Nice to see someone thinking for them self instead of believing all this hateful propaganda spewed out my the mainstream media.
  3. Racism of any kind is evil and disgusting. The media is the biggest race baiter in America. Enough is enough. Stop trying to incite a race war. The fake news is responsible for real hate and real violence. They should be charged.
  4. It’s amazing how so many people have faith in the CDC. The people in the CDC were not elected by the American people an are not exclusively funded by the federal government. They do take lots of money from Big Pharma and Philanthropist like Bill Gates.
  5. Kinda sounds a shot they give every year an people still get sick. ITS CALLED THE FREAKIN FLU SHOT WHICH I NEVER GET EACH YEAR!
  6. [Hidden Content] The truth will eventually come out. Sorry Mr. Fake President.
  7. Democrats are so confident Biden got 80 million votes that they blocked Arizona’s forensic audit today!
  8. You obviously post without much information yourself. Lebron has almost 50 million followers on Twitter. I don’t think baddog’s post are going to cause riots across America an more people their lives.
  9. Since I am unable to start a political topic or even get into the Political Forum I am posting this thread here. If someone has the ability to move this to political forum by all means please do. It would be much appreciated. Still do not known what is wrong with my account. Anyway this guy hits the nail on the head when it comes to the Derek Chauvin Case. Enjoy!
  10. Yes sir, I have tried signing in, out, up and down. Lol. Don’t know what the deal is. I have always thought InMAGAweTrust was a Bot. Lol
  11. I can sign in an get on any forums but I just can’t get on the political forum. Weird stuff going on.
  12. Not to get off the subject off Peckers and Tacos but has any else had issues getting into the political forum. I haven’t been able to get in the political forum for a couple of days. I can get into and post on any of the other forums but the political one. Every time I try to get in a code error comes up with a bunch different words an codes. I guess Xi Jinping doesn’t like some of the truth I post. 😎
  13. If Lebron James was a Conservative, he would’ve been cancelled by the Left immediately. But no, the Left embraces his hypocrisy and utter stupidity. Plus, the guy loves China way more than he loves America.
  14. Lol, that is literally where we are right now. I’ve said it before an I’ll say it again. The dumbing down of America is complete. Gotta love OAN. Surprise that video hasn’t been taken down. Lol
  15. Trumps Senior Advisor - Stephen Miller Biden’s vilification of the US (and law enforcement) as systemically racist (“stain on our nation’s soul”) is unimaginably destructive. It’s also the pretext for the Left’s entire agenda: youth indoctrination, desecration of history, CRT, open borders, defunding police, etc. The left’s war on law enforcement will bring only tragedy & heartbreak. While wealthy progressives retreat further into their enclaves, the rest of the nation will be forced to endure the tidal surge in crime. African-American communities will be among the very hardest hit.
  16. 911 what’s your emergency? “Someone just broke into my house... and he’s got a gun. Please send help!” Do you promise to sign a waiver to not vilify the cop who may have to shoot the perpetrator?
  17. Thank God for the genius of the Electoral College. You know what baddog said makes total sense but you just love to play stupid when it comes to your Daddy Trump. 59%😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Deep Breath🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You keep on believing that fake propaganda about your Fake President.😂😂🤣
  18. So the medical examiner was wrong when he stated that his death would have been classified as a drug overdose if he’d been found home alone dead? Can’t have it both ways.
  19. Can you define trace amounts of fentanyl? Do you know how powerful the drug fentanyl is in conjunction with amphetamines? This is what was in his system. One of the medical examiners testified in the case if they had found Floyd at home alone dead his death would have been classified as a drug overdose. Everyone talks about the 9 minutes and 29 seconds but totally ignores the previous 16 minutes and 59 seconds. Regardless of his level of guilt he did not get a fair trail.
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