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Everything posted by Realville

  1. Does it say for all ages?
  2. [Hidden Content] Dominion just had to add on a new firm and multiple lawyers after we filed our answer! 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🙂🙂😂
  3. It took you 2 hours to come up with that! 😂😂😂 When you start bringing in 3rd world countries to make your argument your really reaching. I have never said anything about 3rd world country numbers. I’ve never said the death rate for all ages is 99.97%. Keep reaching. 😂😂 Did you get that breakdown of Covid death percentages by age groups yet? What did you think of the Doctors Video on Covid deaths? Cat got your tongue or you still trying to think of something. 😂🤣🤣
  4. I don’t know. We’ve never had testing on every corner in America like they’ve done for the China Flu to find that out but I am sure the numbers would be high if we did. I’ll ask you the same question. Did you watch the Doctors video about Covid deaths. Wonder how many more doctors in America have dealt with the same issue on recording Covid deaths. You can buy these fake numbers on Covid deaths but I am not. I’ll ask you the same question I’ve asked before but no one will answer. What are the total deaths in the U.S. each year for the past 10 years?
  5. I believe Biden being fraudulently elected has also helped the numbers go down also. 3 - 2 - 1 .....
  6. [Hidden Content] Democrat Votes are pouring in from our southern border.
  7. You mean like a Hall Monitor in elementary school? 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  8. Your not going to answer my question? By the way what was John Hopkins percentage break down on age groups in the U. S.? You know like 0 to 18, 19 to say 30, 31 to 50, 51 to 65 and we can’ forget 70 plus? How’d you like the video from the doctor? I am sure the deaths recorded are very accurate. Here’s a hint , the death rate for all ages are not the same. It goes without saying it tends to effect older people more.
  9. I don’t care if Santa Claus came up with the percentage why can’t you answer my question from above? Answer my question. How can you come up with a percentage without having a key denominator of the people that had it did fine an never showed up as a positive case.
  10. Answer my question. How can you come up with your percentage without having a key denominator of the people that had it did fine an never showed up as a positive case. Watch the video above it’s dedicated to Baby Bullet. It may throw your numbers off a little more. Lol
  11. Your missing a key denominator. The people that had it an did fine but never went an got tested to show up as a positive case. No one will ever know that number so your figuring of the percentage is pretty skewed. Try again. This video is dedicated to Baby Bullet.
  12. What’s the number of people that had it an were not tested as a case an did just fine? I’ll wait....
  13. It’s not and never has been as dangerous as they make it out to be. Nice job of twisting my words baby bullet.
  14. Yep, hopefully the government will save him from himself.
  15. Baby Bullets “I am going to show him thread.” Cute Speculative Thread. Triggered 😂😂
  16. My family and I will not be vaccinated. Nothing the government has done or will do can "stop the virus" but it can definitely ruin the lives of millions of healthy Americans. Doctor Bartlett, the MIT, Duke, and Medical University of South Carolina graduate Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD, states that the COVID-19 tests being done are producing false positive test results over half of the time…we know that the Neil Ferguson models that originally predicted 2.2 million deaths were wrong…we know that virus is easily treatable with Budesonide / Pulmicort and a Z-pack…
  17. Keep on trying to apply logic to the clown rules , it’s actually pretty comical. The virus is either dangerous or it’s not, why is that concept hard to understand? Signs were posted for mask wearing. Why wasn’t I asked to put one on? Because everyone at the bank except you knows it’s all BS that’s why I wasn’t asked to wear a mask. Even some of the employees would wonder around the bank not wearing mask periodically. Maybe one day you’ll figure it out.
  18. That’s good stuff! Classic 😂
  19. Neither has the data that has supported this nonsense been accurate.
  20. Pretty sure the owner of that bank did not personally request for her to put on a mask. It was probably some fear mongering customer or employee that wanted to impose their itty bitty amount of power they had to push the issue more than they should have. I know your giving me a hard time because that’s what you like to do. Lol. I like it! 😎 Just had to point out the hypocrisy. Lol
  21. Why wasn’t I asked to put on a mask? There were signs posted ? 😂😂 Uh.....
  22. Nope , just pointing out the hypocrisy. Guess the bank the lady went into is just more dangerous to bank at. Shouldn’t matter if it’s the same bank. Either this virus is deadly or it’s not. Data shows it’s not what the fear mongers make it out to be. That virus must be sneaky sneaky! Lol. Businesses shouldn’t be allowed to instill fake fear into their customers. Customer’s should be able to make their own decision on wearing a mask. Like I said before I understand the lady’s frustration of the hypocrisy of fake fear. Situation could have been handled differently.
  23. Just finished a 2 hour job inside of a bank in which I was literally in all areas of the bank an not one time was I asked to wear a mask. Oh the hypocrisy of the clown mandate. LOL
  24. Someone ask Fauci if we should close the U.S. southern border to stop COVID.
  25. That’s a pretty stupid question. Ask the Biden Administration. Pretty sure they’ll give you a stupid answer. What do unborn babies deserve? It’s not a trick question.
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