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Everything posted by 90yshallow

  1. More importantly....Will he be able to find coaches willing to work 60-70hrs per week for $30K per year in a district with a volatile school board? The last guy had lots of issues finding coaches willing to work for that amount of money. WHISD has a pay scale that will ensure that they will never keep a coach. The minute a coach turns that program around he will leave for more money.
  2. I love what Neece is doing with the offense. I haven't seen a tempo wing-t offense ran the way he does it.
  3. If your mom is getting money from the government to live in an apartment it makes it very easy to relocate to a school that will get you more exposure.
  4. Not sure what game you were watching. Franklin's defense shut out an offense that was pretty potent and the quickness with which they got out of the huddle and got the play off will cause anyone problems on defense.
  5. You can't squeeze blood out of a turnip or win the Kentucky Derby with a mule. Bren is a good coach and a first time head coach at a school that was formed by splitting a school that is a perennial loser (Sterling).
  6. Hardin +2.5
  7. I like turtles.
  8. A win is a win...but their isn't a lot to gain out of beating a team who hasn't scored a point all year long.
  9. KIPP Sunnyside has scored zero points and has given up 84 in two games.
  10. Well there's a dark and a troubled side of life. There's a bright and a sunny side too. But if you meet with the darkness and strife, The sunny side we also may view. Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, Keep on the sunny side of life. It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way, If we keep on the sunny side of life. Oh, the storm and its fury broke today, Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear. Clouds and storms will in time pass away. The sun again will shine bright and clear. Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, Keep on the sunny side of life. It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way, If we'll keep on the sunny side of life. Let us greet with a song of hope each day. Though the moments be cloudy or fair. Let us trust in our Saviour always, To keep us, every one, in His care. Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, Keep on the sunny side of life. It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way, If we'll keep on the sunny side of life. If we'll keep on the sunny side of life
  11. I can't remember seeing this many job postings ever. I saw one with "equipment coordinator" attached to it. I wonder if you get a period off for that duty?
  12. So you're telling me that a team can be the least athletic State Champ and still be a very athletic team?....I read ya...
  13. Herman Boone could come in there and turn that place around in one season.
  14. I agree with you but a lot of these admins want to check off boxes and hire some who won't make waves.
  15. Coaches with winning records already have jobs at this point in the year. Their coach left late...sometimes you have to play the hand that you're dealt. It's not as if Sterling has ever been a powerhouse anyway. Nick Saban couldn't win at that place.
  16. That was the old AD I think.
  17. “I have recently realized that I am either too old or too young to just play games when it comes to coaching. In other words, high school athletics for me is not just about passing time or doing something for amusement. There are two parts to this thought process: If we are keeping score, we are playing to win. It has to be about something more than the score and trophy. Coaching for me has usually included something more: Core values and priorities. I have found that this has made me a better person, as it has caused me to continually examine and improve my own core values and priorities, so that I might be a more effective coach and teacher. In the realm of high school football, both the need and the cost of winning has never been higher: NEED—Sports are so much more visible than they used to be; patience is much less existent. Players, parents, and communities all want a winner, as it is sure to propel them onto bigger and better things. A coach can be a sensation one year, on “the hot seat” the next, and can be the hottest commodity around after that. It’s all part of the deal when you are cashing in the big-time paycheck of coaching (high school coaches who read this are laughing loudly now). COST—The arms race is not just limited to powerful countries, but has developed its own niche in football. Teams are constantly searching for the new product, scheme, or activity that will put them over the top. More and more resources (time and money) are used to take a program to the next level. Improvement must be constant; if you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind. The increased cost of football means a couple of things: If a team is going to be competitive, they have to be willing to pay the price. If they want to be champions, they have to go above-and-beyond the average. There is no way around this—the price for victory must paid or it cannot be obtained. If parts of the program are not willing to ante up their share, others must pay more from their resources. The demands of the job are growing—not only in the area of “what it takes to win”, but also in what is expected of the coach. He is expected to not only win, but also: to get his players to college; solve all problems associated with members of the program (“Your star can’t remember to bring a pencil to class and drives too fast in the parking lot; what are you going to do about it?”); and, to be on call most hours of the day. The hindrances for coaching are growing. Things like increased paperwork requirements (currently 7 different forms for every player) combined with lack of access to facilities make the job harder. The demands of the job are growing; the hindrances to the job are growing; the resources are not. I find myself lacking resources. My choices then become to change the priorities of the program (character development and winning), change my values and priorities in order to make up the difference, or change the leadership of the program. I find that I can no longer be the type of person I want to be and still run the type of program I want to run in the current environment. It is for these reasons that I have decided to tender my resignation as Head Football Coach of Hernando High School. I have enjoyed the experience of working with some excellent people while here, and thank you for the opportunity to do so. I wish you continued good fortune with both the success of your program and in the development of the young men of character that our world so desperately needs.”
  18. Every interview I've ever been on the word "loyalty" is brought up then they offer a probationary contract. If you want these guys to stay offer them a contract that is 3-5 years so they can get established in a community...Imagine how much better programs would be if the district would commit to the coach as much as they expect the coach to commit to the district.
  19. Money is way better at GCISD.
  20. I'm dedicating this song to the coaching staff at West Hardin in their endeavor to get these vacancies filled. It's by Saratoga, Texas native; the Possum, George Jones.
  21. I graduated in August 2004. Made $31,000 coaching three sports at a 1A. In other words, $31,000 in the year 2004 is equivalent in purchasing power to $40,953.81 in 2018
  22. You can make more money working at Wal-Mart with no degree. Or you can drive 12 miles down the road and work at Hardin and make $12K more....or drive to Cleveland and get a $20K bump.
  23. Starting pay is 30,080....It's gotta be almost impossible to hire someone for that amount of money. I feel sorry for that guy.
  24. Starting pay at that school is less than I made at a 1A school in 2004.
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