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Everything posted by 90yshallow

  1. Undefeated against JV teams and charter schools.
  2. They're all disgruntled.
  3. I'm pretty sure they do in Hardin.
  4. This week the Hornets take on DaQuan Lattimore and the Hempstead Bobcats on their territory. The Hornets will do their best to bounce back from four straight district losses, and will make sure that DaQuan doesn't "hit the quan" in post touchdown bliss. The boys will be fired up and ready to go, with their last win coming over a month ago to a JV team. Thunder by Imagine Dragons will be playing on repeat on all of their head phones. (I don't know about you...but that song gets me fired up) The visitor's section will be packed with the Hardin women that aren't at Stetson's in Humble and the eight band dads who don't hunt deer. This is a tentative assessment assuming the Lady Hornet volleyball team gets knocked out of the playoffs by the corn-fed hoss-es of East Bernard tonight. Friday night....If the Lady Hornets pull off the upset, only the eight band dads will be in attendance, four of which will be begrudgingly holding down the blow up football helmet...It's gonna be windy...somebody buy those boys a Frito pie and thank them for their service. The most difficult battle Friday, will be for the coaching staff to keep the football players off of the volleyball fan bus...IF the Lady Hornets pull off the upset tonight. May the realignment gods shine upon them. Hardin by 2 in a stunner.
  5. The Hornets look to bounce back this week from another multiple touchdown loss. The baseball coaches will be working off a baseball hangover from the World Series today so look for the Sub-Varsity teams to get hammered by three touch downs or more. The opening weekend of deer season is upon us. This means the coaches jobs are safe this week because the talking heads will all be in the woods by Friday afternoon. The only thing more important than high school football is a deep freeze full of back strap. The women of Hardin are all getting their hair and nails done today to prepare for opening weekend. This will be the busiest weekend of the year at Stetson's Nightlife in Humble. 146 will be eerily quiet...Anahuac is less awful than Hardin by two scores.
  6. So the "youth championship ring" guy showed up here not understanding why Hardin can't win...Next thing you know the "BLOCK LINE!!!" guy will show up... You can't win the Kentucky Derby with a mule and you can't consistently win at sports with genetically inferior athletes.
  7. I would bet that you could draw a line from Highlands, TX to Pittsburgh, TX and every town to the East of this line you would be able to find some facsimile of my description going down on a Friday night.
  8. This game should set the ball rolling for the "Fire Haynes!" crowd to start getting vocal. A guy who previously played "pulling guard" for the Hornets will be yelling, "BLOCK LINE!!!" This guy will be between 5'6" and 5'9" with Hardin trucker style hat and a Hardin Youth Football championship ring...He only voices his disgust because Haynes squandered all of the talent that he sent up the line. You will be able to hear him over the band. The women in the crowd will be taking turns going back and forth to the parking lot to take a few more pulls off of a menthol Newport and a swig or two from a Smirnoff they poured into a Yeti cup...all the while wondering why can't the boys be as good as the girls. You will be able to spot them by the sequins on the butt of their jeans and Jesus inspired t-shirts. Win or lose...It will a be a pretty good little Friday night on the visitor's side. Hitchcock 35 Hardin 6
  9. 7-on-7 competitions give teams the potential to develop a 2 min offense which some Wing-T/Run Oriented offenses don't spend a lot of time on. It keeps teams from having to run no-huddle Scat Rt over and over again. There is a reason successful coach practice pass skell in practice every day. Its a practice tool.
  10. If you want to fight the North Koreans buy a plane ticket and go to work.
  11. Yes. They want no part of us.
  12. 7-on-7 is another way to get your kids to compete. It's a good way to practice your quick game. What I hate is to watch a Wing-T team run play action passes...It is beyond stupid to me.
  13. Hardin will not be competitive playing against the majority of the teams they play. Stark set up a schedule to ensure that his team would go 0-10 and his reward for that was unemployment. He was unprepared and had no contingency plan when the schedules were being made.
  14. It disgusts me when I see coaches (most of whom teach History) piss on the graves of soldiers by trying to restrict freedom and peaceful free expression at publicly funded events. It's ridiculous.
  15. I'm white and I support your kid's rights to peacefully protest. My entire family fought for those rights. Anyone who tells you otherwise should move to Iran where they don't have free speech.
  16. Communist coaches who try to force government patriotism on kids are as bad as the zealots who try to force religion on kids via sports. As long as my tax dollars are being used to fund your football team you're not going to deny kids the freedom to peacefully protest a tyrannical government or force them to pray to a god that the don't believe in like the Muslim terrorists do.
  17. I wonder why Walter Fortune was given three years and Stark wasn't? What board members and ex coaches that couldn't cut it got him fired? Didn't Stark keep his entire staff after the first year?
  18. The problem when you have the Bubba's (Literally in Hardin's case) causing trouble from the stands is having the kids buy into your program. Any small school will have problems and continue to have problems as long as board members get involved in football. As an AD you can't act the way Stark did in public and expect any kind of job security. When you win like he did at West Sabine you can get away with a lot more un-professional indiscretions. If you're losing you had better walk the line and have a plan for turning the corner. Stark couldn't act right (in public on campus) and didn't have a plan to turn that program around...if it is even possible with the athletes they have. No victims to see here...Everyone at that place gets to sleep in the beds that they made.
  19. To answer your questions: 1. No he didn't hire the OC from Jasper. He brought his D-Line coach from West Sabine to be the OC. Then he hired the baseball coach from Jasper last year. 2. You're not closer to the situation than I am...He quit...then he realized he wasn't going to get paid out...so he rescinded his resignation...then he was fired.
  20. Amen. I never said I support the changes. Stark knew the reputation of Hardin before he took the job. Hardin is as dry as they ever have been when it comes to athletes and everyone including Stark knew this prior to taking the job. Stark brought in two coordinators who didn't have any experience and he was unprofessional. Not really a recipe for success. Had he been more professional, and had he not quit, I think he would still be taking it on the chin with the rest of the team...and then got fired at the end of the season because the community is would live up to its reputation.
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