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  1. I have heard some people say that this years warriors could play and keep it close with last years team. I think this is a joke no disrespect to this years team but last years was just bigger faster stronger and more athletic. while this years team only has 1 player that can score last years had 4 or 5 that could put up good numbers. But you guys tell me!
  2. Matt and paul are both good players and paul could very well play on the next level. But i do think matt will do well in college cuz he is tall i think he is about 6'5 now and he can shoot it very well and, he has a post up game if he gets some size on him he could be a really good college player but i would like to see paul play some more ball maby they can play 2 gether again.
  3. this is great he deservs it
  4. The 06 team and the 08-09 team wud be a good game. the 07-08 team wud kill both of them by 50 thats how much of a difference there is. I saw cody andrews play this summer he looked like he can shoot the rock and he has gotten taller but there is no way he is 1/10 the player his brother is. But he is the best player on this team him and blacksheir are the only two players that can play. young could be all right if he would learn to play the game, and riley is just out there because they have no body else.
  5. they jus need 2 quit basketball
  6. Cody Andrews is a good player, but I don't think he is as good as his brother. For Cody to get sots he will have to come off several screens Matt could create his shot from anywhere on the floor, and he is alought bigger than Cody.
  7. When Will The all District team come out
  8. Great season guys paul sims is a great player but i think sometimes people overlook matt andrews for being a great player to both of them are very good i just wish matt would get a little more credit
  9. i would not say that spurger is on fire they had warren down by 12 and warren did not even have a coach and the warriors came back and won the game in spurger and warren is not playing good right now so coop i dont think that they are on fire
  10. it looks like it's getting bad whats wrong with Paul Sims, and Matt Andrews they are suppose 2 be 2 of the best in SETX whats wrong :'(
  11. hey coop do you think that Matt Andrews has a chance to make the new top 25 on hoop insider
  12. Warren has plenty of size matt andrews is 6'4, paul sims is 6'3, caleb swinney is 6'3, and blake riley is 6'2, is that enough size for you warren is going to blow this team out with paul sims shooting threes and matt andrews working in the post ann shooting the 3 ball it looks like warren is going to beat another 3a school
  13. ok warren has 2 of the best shooters in SETX Paul Sims and Matt Andrews and both of them are 6'4 those are the 2 best players but then you have Travis Mcbee he is a good player Brent Nash is a good point gaurd and Caleb Swinney is a great definder so all of these kids are verry good players and what he ment by Brey will be are best friend is this kid cant even stay in a ball game maby if he looses his attitude and learns how to lead a tem he will be good but until then he will do them more hurt than help
  14. yeah he can get up but he does need 2 work on his strength but that will come as he matures
  15. matt andrews was number 7
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