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Everything posted by CatFan81

  1. It appears to me a lot of people on this board are just plain jealous of the success at Yates. After doing a little online research, the comments about the character  of this team and coach being topnotch is well deserved.  The object is to win, and to get your starters ready for the playoffs.  Playing 15 players in the 1st looks to me to be a coach attempting to control things, but he cannot and should not ask his players to play bad.  That is more insulting to the opposing team that a lopsided loss.  Been there done that.  It is unfortunate that a team that works hard to get to this level of play has to put up with all the classless losers who want to complain about the scores. Who knows, maybe 170 was holding back, looks to me like they could have easily scored 250.  This is high school sports, and it is your job on defense to keep the other team from scoring.  If you cant do it, it is not their job to quit playing hard.  People really need to look a little further than the score, and see exactly what these young men are accomplishing.  How many of our local schools will have 3 scholarship players, much less 7 or 8?  Hard work pays off, and these young men at Yates deserve a hand for manning up and putting all the distractions behind them.  Good luck Yates on your playoff run.
  2. Maybe K and N could find more spread offenses to play in the non district schedule.  This at least would give them some practice agains the spread.  Of course, in K case, holding on the ball should be a #1 priority next season.  I have never seen so many balls put on the ground as this year.  As they say, maybe third times the charm.
  3. In Kirbyvilles case, I think if we had just mixed up like we did against Comfort PP would have had their hand full.  As it was, all they had to do was slow down Ford and the game was thiers, and thats what they did.  KV just needs to keep doing what got you there to start with. Better luck next year!!!
  4. Their father died before they knew who would be in the state finals.  That being said, hats off to the rest of the Pilot Point team in not letting their teammates down.  If is very difficult to beat a good team, especially an inspired team.  If we had to lose, I'm very happy for those young men to be able to grant their fathers dying wish. 
  5. Don't be scared!! Play us and get better.
  6. That's what every one thought about Kville this year.  Never count out a program like Gilmer. 
  7. Very good observation.  Had this exact discussion with a friend on the way back from San Marcos.
  8. [quote name="scooter!" post="727904" timestamp="1260506176"] who plays blow U in a bowl game? [/quote] Who ever wants to get an easy win ;D man Owho? sucks
  9. Way to go Caleb!!  Keep it up!!
  10. Congrats from KV.. Good luck to the Eagles the rest of the way!!
  11. I agree with Lefty99.  Take it one game at a time.  We definitely have the talent, and seem to be peaking just about right. 
  12. Just think, he is only in his junior year.  Congrats to a great young man and good luck.
  13. Cats by 4tds. Hemphill and woodville should fight it out for #3. Of course, if the cats decide to play turnover football, it could be a tough win.
  14. If Arp is truly bigger, faster and better this year, it may be a tough road for the Cats. That being said, if KV keeps improving each week, they will give any team they play a good game. Of course, the Cats had better take it one week at a time, lest they get suprised by someone. I think for any team to beat the Cats, they have to find a way to stop Ford; and if they do, the Cats have several other backs that are pretty darn good.
  15. your right it might will go down.....to what he hit last year in one of the toughest 3A's in the state which was .506. Do you really think he can't hang in this 2A district?????? I would take him over any kid in Buna.... i would definitley take a buna kid over anybody in the district well its a good thing kirbyville aint in your district cuz you would be makin a mistake taking any kid in buna over musgrove
  16. I think a main reason for the success is this is finally a group of kids that have had good coaching from freshman year up. KV Coach came in to a system that had less than stellar coaching for a couple of years. No batting practice to speak of at the varsity level, and none for the freshman and JV. These kids have practiced with the varsity at hitting, throwing, fielding, every aspect of the game. Good luck to the Cats and Coach Lane.
  17. I'll have to go with KV the way they've been playing.
  18. INteresting to note that some players have gone to outside coaching and instructions. This after 3 or 4 players were disciplined for this very same thing last year. Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing as long as the instructor has a proven record. I wouldn't want our young Cats to be getting help from an old, drunk uncle.
  19. In respinse to stonecold30, I am neither disgruntled nor a JV dad. Just an avid fan of Wildcat baseball. As far as the coach getting upset, the instructor did not teach anything different, he just had the time to go one on one with the kid. The instructor advised the players to follow the coaches instructions, because he is a good coach. All the instructor did was correct bad mechanics, such as gripping the bat properly and not stepping out while swinging. Even if the coach had a problem, he shouldn't have called out the players in front of the entire team. Again, no sour grapes here. My kid loved our coach and would gladly play for him again. I also am very satisfied with our coach. He has a dedication to our program (and kids) that was missing for a few years.
  20. Kirbyville will face another long season if the hitting doesn't improve from the last 2 years. Not to mention errors. Last year was much better as far as errors go, but in several games the hitting jsut wasn't there. Not to mention that a few players who were getting outside help were reprimanded in front of the whole team. Never heard of a coach who would get upset at players trying to better themselves for the sake of the team. By the way, this is not heresay, I heard the chewing out myself after the game in H-F. Hopefully this year, in a new district and lower classification, the Cats can turn things around
  21. This is indeed a sad moment in sports. I think this is the result of an over zealous prosecutor and of course any time someone dies accidently family members want to put the blame on someone or something. My heart goes out to these parent. The loss of a child (no matter the age) is the worst thing a parent can face. Unless there are details that have not been released, this coach is being blamed for an unfortunate accident. I have 5 kids, 2 of which have played sports from age 5 through high school. I hope the jury in this case has more common sense than the grand jury or prosecutor.
  22. It's odd that in all of this I have not seen anyone mention the opposing teams coach. I have not read where he was critical of the score. You cannot expect players to just quit during the game. When this is done, it becomes embarrising to the losing team. I have coached and watched far too many sporting events that the scores get out of control, especially youth events, even with mercy rules in place. This is high school ball, and judging from the box score, the players and coaches did call off the dogs. It is shameful for anyone to question the Christian character of the coaches or players. Do not judge, lest you be judged.
  23. I was at the game. You guys did a super job here of keeping up with the action. WAY TO GO CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work and win one more. No doubt Saturday will be WILDCAT Crazy. Book your rooms earlr - and the last one out can turn out the lights in K-town cause everyone will be in Grand Prairie!!
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