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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. True!  But neither are liberals all right and conservatives all wrong, but you would never know it listening to elected liberals and liberals in the media!!  It cuts both ways!!   PS....Low information voters come in all persuasions!!!
  2. I think constitutional rights extend to citizens of the USA.  However, we should extend dignity and treat fairly those who are not citizens whether they are attempting to become a citizen or merely living here peaceably and lawfully!!  That would be de-facto giving them the same rights as citizens.  But for those who are here unlawfully and/or are hostile to this country and its citizens, no constituional rights should be extended!!!  Again that does not mean we abuse or torture them, but if they are a threat to the peace or well being of our citizens, then they have to be dealt with swiftly!!!
  3. Hmmmmm.........Our current POTUS was the candidate of choice of the radical left and was elected because of his African ethnic background.  This makes him bulletproof against criticism and has allowed the radical left to be very successful in getting a lot of their radical agenda pushed through,  Yes he gets to enjoy the perks of the office but he is really a front man for others.  Yes he absolutely agrees with and supports the radical left agenda.  That however is how he ascended to the throne without the help of a politically powerful father, but he had other more worthy and nobel mentors who helped him along the way like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright among others.  Good thing that the education system here in the good ole USA has undereducated the populace for 40 or so years.  That has created, along with streams of underpriveldged aliens coming into the system, our current "bubble" of low information voters which..........Wallah!......produced the historic elections of 2008 & 2012 and the current state of affairs we find ourselve in!!!
  4. Steve, are there any "facts" in this eloquent response to your question?
  5. Here is a classic liberal hate filled-name calling-demeaning post of another person they disagree with!!   But someone does that of, as Dove calls him, "the savior" and they are labeled racist and bigoted!!  We understand the game.  It is about as transparent as fine Crystal!!!
  6. You are delusional, but most "worshippers" of other humans can never see beyond their own nose!!!
  7. I am unaware of anyone who holds conservative beliefs trying to suppress liberal slanted books/films/media.  If you have examples please supply them.  What you will find is evidence where conservatives are vocal about their disagreement with liberal thought/belief/policy!  And with the pain of stating the obvious, no that is not what I meant to write
  8. Steve, it has never been about fair or equal for the radical left, it is about slavery and control of all who disagree with their beliefs!!!
  9. Not enought to do a darn thing about it, much less tweet.  How many Iraq veterans are there.  I am sure that not every single one agreed with the cause.  But I see that you hold up his disenssion as righteous, but anyone else's dissension of Obama's policies as racist!!!
  10. He thinks he has pulled some sort of "lottery ticket"!!!  And with the jury pool we have he just may have done so!!
  11. The ideological divide in this country is so great that it is unlikely to ever be bridged again.  Only time will tell about the term of any leader.  The affects of their decisions and policies need time top play out and see the results.  History takes time for an accurate assessment!!!  The differences that are expressed on this board are based almost entirely on idealogical differences, and on perceived lack of character!!  But you can keep on playing the race card. It is no doubt the best, and maybe only weapon you possess!!!
  12. Interesting thought you have there!!!
  13. HIs biggest accomplishment is Bin Laden!!  I do not doubt his sincerity!   He is sincere about making changes.  I just totally disagree with his world view and his vision for America and the changes he wants and has made!!   
  14. I agree with you Big Girl, one president lying fully and completely justifies another president to lie!!  Yep, situational ethics at it's best!!  "Look mommy, everyone else is doing it"!!
  15. What's the View?  Never heard or watched it.  Must be some low rent under the radar type show!!!  Is it on MSNBC???  Sounds like it deserves to be there!!  Maybe that is why I haven't seen it. I bought one of those "smart" tv's and for some reason I don't get that channel!
  16. Are you waiting for the sarcastic reply that will come?  Followed by some taunting about the last 2 Prez elections and the 2016 election!!  That is the sum total of the response you will get!!!  Of course, us commoners need to be educated and at the same time be put in our place!!!
  17. That is the real issue at hand.  Less than 2/3'rds of the available workforce actually have a job.  This equates to approximately 100 million people without a job!!!  Not saying that the rate was good in the previous 8 years, or during Clinton either, but it is going the WRONG way!!!  Could this be a result of the POLICIES that have been put in place???
  18. By the looks of things, this would get it about 40k in capactiy, maybe a little more.  That is my guess.  LU has a master plan on PU Stadium that would get it to about 30k seating. But it does not have the room to expand much beyond that with the Montagne being on the North End Zone. 
  19. I firmly believe that ECO is an Obama administration "plant" on this board!  Like the current administration, all ECO provides is rhetoric and no substance!!!
  20. When the ultra liberals were consorting in 2008 on how they could be most effective in advancing their war on Christian values and advance their beloved social issues, they knew that Obama would be their best bet as he would be "bullet proof" against any criticism on advancing the radical liberal agenda.  They knew that they could frame the debate as "Complain about Obama's policies and you are complaining against him for one reason, and one reason only"!!!!
  21. I would consider that a moral victory for LU!!!
  22. Well this is what happens when an aggie rights an article about anything UT!!  I wonder if TRAVIS HANEY is a Ghost Writer name for PhatMack, or AggiesAreWe or Old Timer or one of the may other aggie faithful on this board!!!
  23. Please produce this manual. I haven't seen it yet!!!
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