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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. The facts clearly show he is a radical Muslim sympathizer!!
  2. I guess the "ECO" is still trying to process this tid bit of info!!!
  3. It's a personal preference thing.  But the point that the under 40 group likes it in higher proportion is valid as they grew up with it.
  4. Why has it just been in the last month that the Admin and Board at BISD seem to be very concerned about finances and the budget??
  5. Smart ass is the sum total of the worth of EnlightenedChosenOne!!  Hahahaha self proclaimed nincompoop!!!!
  6. You keep saying that but you never provide that education!! All you do is drop a few bombs and then you demean with name calling those who espouse a conservative point of view and then you fly off for awhile smug and arrongant and then a little later you repeat the cycle!!!
  7. Keep us posted on how Bingham does.  He is a little bigger than Lamar's freshman running back last year from Kingwood Tx Kade Harrington who ran for right at 900 yds last year.  He is 5'9" and 185lbs but has really good quickness, cuts and vision.  He was a real surprise last year.  Bingham could be a sleeper for you guys!!!
  8. Don't worry, there won't be enough good left for her to ruin if she wins.  She will just be in a maintenance mode!!
  9. That because he has the ultimate "trump" card!!!
  10. I've wondered how they have come up with a lot of the crap that they have legislated from the bench!!!
  11. Hmmmm........no mention of Sumlin in that article!!!
  12. this one was in plain sight!  Bin Laden was well hid, even while on Obama's watch!!  It took a Civilian Dr. to blow his cover!!  Apples and oranges, but I do not expect that you would get that much less acknowlege that!!!
  13. Crickets!!!!!
  14. Does anyone think that Eric Holder will try to prosecute????  LOL!!!! Yeah when hell freezes over!!!!
  15. Yep, forgot that for a moment.  BISD and South Park.  I wonder if anyone would have the total school population and broken down by HS, MS and Elem for both districts from 1974.
  16. Having relatives who chose the gay lifetstyle in my own family, yes I am on the "wrong" side of the gay marriage issue as for how you believe.  All choices have untintended consequences. We are yet to see those consequences from the gay marriage issue as of yet!!!
  17. It would be interesting to compare the school enrollment in 2014 vs the school enrollment at BISD in 1974.  Does anyone have those numbers??
  18. He/She just "heard it through the grapevine" that the Bush presidency was worse!!!
  19. You will see wealthy individuals first, and then some of the middle class migrate away as well as our current president desperately and deliberately tries to make the USA no more powerful, no more prosperous, and no more influential in the world than the country of his fathers birth!!!
  20. With the amount of undereducated people in our society growing rapidly through graduation every year from our public school system and through immigration (coming from countries who are under educating), you may have "stumbled" on to something!!!
  21. Oh I am glad he is being brought to justice, just the timing is curious when he has been running around a suspect for all this time.  Or maybe it is like the last scene in Casablanca when the police chief says "round up the usual suspects"!!!   As for Bin Laden, he was well hidden for many years and his whereabouts came to light during Obama's Presidency.  I wholeheartedly agree with his decision to take him out!!!
  22. JV, watch out!! Too much common sense and truth will never go over with the ingrained beliefs of many of the inhabitants of this board and you will certainly get backlash!!!
  23. I have never heard the fact that Britian went through a depression at the same time and came out of it much quicker than the USA!  Assuming that is true, then why and how would that have happened?
  24. Hillary needs this badly as well!!!!
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