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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. The Sixties - Great music!!  But also the genisis of all that is wrong with the USA in 2014!!!   I watched the one about the cold war/cuban missle crisis.  It was well done and interesting.
  2. Only for about 2 years!  Once the open elections for school board are back on, it will get real interesting real quick.
  3. I wonder why the computer crash only affected emails and not tax returns???  I am sure there is a "logical" explanation to all this.   Really emails will most likely be on a different server. The lost emails are suspicious, especially if it is not accross the board or affecting a significant numbers of people.  There is also software that can be used successfully to retrieve lost data from a computer crash!!
  4. Why then,when his mouth is open, he says things like that.  Of course you would give him a free pass!!  ;)
  5. This coming from a commoner, aren't you one of the super rich??  You certainly are more pompous than the super rich!!!
  6. Yep! You are!!  C'mon man!!
  7. No doubt that statement, standing alone with out any qualifications by Quanell X, is true.  And I would add "of all races and nationalities" as caucausion Christian missionaries have for thousands of years gone all over the world to minister to different peoples.  Can anyone tell me what god Quanell believes in???
  8. WE1 and all those listed in the thread blindly accept any and everything this "regime" says and does and makes excuses for everything!!  The evidence is in each and every thread they post in!!!
  9. You appear to be like a rock group or sports team groupie with Hillary and the Dems!!!  "Look, my team is better than you team and because I support them i am better than you" seems to be your life purpose!!
  10. So your genious is to bash people from this area as small town as opposed to supporting your assertions!!  Huummm!!!  What are we small town folk to make of this???? 
  11. She would.  She needs this badly to protect her presidential run.  Maybe what you should ask is why did it take so long to arrest this guy!  I heard a report earlier today that they questioned this guy within a month of the incident.  I guess with his arrest the president can now say that he has beat back for good the terrorist threats from the the taliban/al queda!!!
  12. Wasn't Bill Clinton referred to affectionately as the "teflon man"!!  I would say that Obama makes Clinton look like he has more stickem on him than Lester "the Molester" Hayes!!!
  13. Pat answer not backed up by facts.  Or another way to put it, veiled opinion!!!
  14. Obama's debt!!  The most compassionate, intellectually sound, financially responsible debt ever accumulated in the history of mankind!!!  This is another democratic radical liberal tactic, blame your own failure on someone else!!!
  15. That is not a name that I remember from the past!!
  16. Yes, that is the be all end all weapon that they have, to accuse someone of being racist!!!
  17. Coming on here saying that those who disagree with the policies of the current adminstration hates their country is using a typical democratic (also employed by Communists) strategy to try and demonize those that you oppose by wrongly and wickedly putting labels on them that are not correct in an attempt to get your weak minded bretheren to also have negative feelings toward your opponents.  It is thinly veiled, but nevertheless that is what you are attempting!!!
  18. EnlightenedChosenOne, did he/she go by another screen name in the past???  Does anyone know,?  AAW do you know??
  19. Another load of crap from our liberal friends!!!
  20. Please provide the the statistical verifiable evidence of you assertion of this.  The last report I saw was that of all those targeted, it was approx 95% conservative and 5% liberal!  Lets cut all the bs out and lets get the facts and let them speak for themselves!!
  21. Yes, and that is a difficult truth.  Calling your self a Christian doesn't make you one. 
  22. Or to put it another way, 90% of the higher education "elites" (your wording not mine)  are democrats because it is a safe place for those who do not want to be held to a higher standard and who are socialist and desire a failed governmental model!!
  23. Translation: You don't know a damn thing of what you are talking about!!
  24. Prove that he would support abortion.  The man called on the Almighty and it is well documented that he was bible believing and a Christian.  As for progressive, he was for his times but I have no problem with change that is good for the country instead of tearing it apart!  You can try to be a revisionist historian all you like!!
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