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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. But he came to his senses.  My Dad was not a Republican all his life either.  He was smart enough to realize when he was no longer a democrat and continue t support a party that is systematically destroying the country the Lincoln helped make one of the greatest on the earth.  No pucntuation added.
  2. Glad you finally came to your senses!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The lack of intellect is the assertion that Lincoln would be a 2014 democrat!  He would never support abortion, gay marriage, Christian persecution, Bowe Bergdahl, muslim sympathizing (I could go on for hours listing democratic issues he would not support)!  You get the picture!  How do you like that for punctuation use!
  4. She will wrongly tell you that!!
  5. Your assertion stands unsupported and is conjecture on your part.  Lincoln would absolutely not be a 2014 Democrat!!  Period!!!! 
  6. Please elaborate and show proof of your assertion!!!
  7. Not to stay off topic but i am interviewing a lady who today that tells me she has been laid off by BISD.  For whatever that is worth.  Now everyone can go back to topic!!
  8. And therefore the debate of is their true conversion (salvation) without Lordship!!  I fall on the NO side of that debate!!!  I think the RED letters are clear on this!!
  9. I am utterly convinced that Barack Obama desires the USA to be no more powerful, no more prosperous, and with no higher standing in the world at the end of his presidency than the native country of his father!!!  It will be interesting for all of us to see the actual results of his 8 years as president, say in about 15 years!!!
  10. When you have nothing, this would be your answer!!!!
  11. If  you were pure in heart about racism, you would call it out in all forms against all races, whenever it occurs instead of only monitoring and hollering about it when it affects one race that you feel particularly affectionate about!!  But hey, that is your choice!!  But most poeple on here see throught it!!   To your point, if anyone of a non black race opposes the current sitting president, on the grounds of honest political and social disagreement, they are castigated as being racist by only opposing him because he is black!!  So I ask you a question, by what facts do you present your argument that "most" people who oppose the president do so only because he is black???  Can you present emperical and verifiable evidence to support your proposition??
  12. That was very well written but it will be lambasted, ignored or just flat denied by the unbelieving radical left!!!
  13. A huge hurdle for people to come to a saving faith is in fact the true nature of God!!  It is no doubt evident by scripture that God is a choosing God!  He chooses people for specific purposes to do His specifice will. Scripture is clear on that and two great examples are John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul (not to mention Abraham, Noah, Moses or King David)!!  The debate over Calvanism/Armenianism is difficult and which side of the debate you fall on is irrelevant to whether you are truly saved.  Believing in Calvanism does not save you anymore than believing in Armenianism!!  Holding either position does not save you!! But back to the point in hand.  My take on all this is we have all seen numerous poeple who have, in tears, prayed while being led by another person, some form of the sinners prayer, only for us to observe so clearly that their life was not truly changed and they continue to live a life where their is no evidence that they are following Jesus!!  However, there are many who will give them "saved" status because the said some ritual prayer.  I think this is the conflict over the sinners prayer.  Maybe it is not so much the the idea of "asking Jesus into your heart" as it is whether you truly did in fact become born again.  Jesus and all the new testament writers are pretty clear that their will be very obvious "fruit" as a result of true conversion!!    By the way, Washer is very clear on this point as you know if you have watched/listened to him.  Platt is also very clear on these points.
  14. Quite the overstatement my friend!!!  But it is fun to jab back in forth!! 
  15. It is also being reported that Lamar has offered Corey Sanders.  Does that mean Franchione will now pull his offer??  :)
  16. There has been great debate over the last few years about "reciting the sinners prayer" and what this article is discussing about asking Jesus into your heart!  Some very vocal critics of the "cheap" salvation proposition that all you have to do is recite some form of the sinners prayer has been Paul David Washer and David Platt (there are others for sure).  They have several positions to their argument one being that you cannot find anywhere in scripture where it either tells about someone reciting a "sinners" prayer for salvation or it is actually in scripture like the Lord's prayer is.  I also think they take the position that doing this has become a form of legalism, or at least a formulitic approach.  They are also suspect that this is being sold like "fire insurance" and that "heart change" from true repentance is left out of the equation.
  17. He doesn't say it, he just writes executive orders that have the affect of killing private sector job growth!!!
  18. If the wealthy are keepin their money, it may be that they do not trust the federal government and the policies being enacted and therefore are choosing not to invest in capital intensive ventures that produce jobs but rather investing in passive investments that are not intensive on producing jobs. 
  19. Not being SBC but familiar with from listening to him through the years, I am very much inspired by this story as I had no background on this.  It is tragic that so many of our seminaries in all denominations are being run and taught by men and women who do not believe the word of God and view it as nothing much more than good literature!  Tragic!!  And why we have the moral morass that we see in our society!!!
  20. So he is a great example of what he is talking about!!  He had help but he used that help to improve himself so that he did not stay permenantly on the government dole!!  That is what he is trying to communicate but I see that his message is not registering very well with everybody!!!
  21. I have a newfound respect for him after watching that today. I can certainly see why he is being castigated by some in his own ethnic community as he was bold enough to call out the hypocracy of those in the racial greivance industry!!!
  22. Who is there AD??  He must be a good one who knows how to pick good coaches!!!
  23. I see I wasted my breath as well. SMDH!!!!
  24. Because they saw how people who practice the gay lifestyle use "civil rights" as the basis for their movement to mainstream (no, maybe I am wrong, they have now made being gay the preferred lifestyle) their life choice and this has emboldened everyone that everything is now on the table to be dealt with and "made right" in their eyes!
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