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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. I was thinking that this story was a good diversion to keep everybody on this board from thinking about the BISD debacle, but I went on those threads and see that it is still alive and well!!
  2. Race Politics in America!!! Sigh!!!
  3. Another one way racism believer!
  4. Here is more on Bundy's comments. Looks like only part of his comments were used. All of you can be the judge!! [Hidden Content]
  5. Your not going to get a straight answer, just the same ole "justifying bad behavior" song and dance that you already have gotten time after time!!  It's the same ole tired BS of "my kid didn't do anything any worse than your kid" excuse making and enabling that perpetuates this whole sorry mess!!!
  6. What's the difference between a "welfare" rancher and those on direct government subsistence??
  7. So, other than this, you have no problem with Bundy???
  8. Yeah, he made the unpardonable sin!!  Has there ever been a demopuke that has made stupid comments like this!!
  9. He can say that until he dies due to lack of oxygen, he will never change the minds of those now in control of BISD but soon to lose that control!!
  10. The truth is the little ole individual citizen landowners didn't mean squat until there opposition could be used to further the cause of the power brokers!!  Another Billionaire that is profiting from the delay and/or ultimate denail of the pipeline is none other than Warren Buffet, who through his wildly successful company Berkshire Hathaway, owns a railroad that is currently delivering the oil by rail into the golden triangle.  He has no vested interest in the pipeline being completed.  The pipeline will increase the capacity of delivery, be more cost efficient, and more reliable in its delivery.    It never ceases to amaze me that those (liberals) who are unashamed and unwilling to admit there hypocracy are constantly decrying hypocracy from there opponents!!  If you are so concerned about individual landowners, you should be out standing with all those who own land who lose it to eminient domain for highway expansion and such!!!
  11. You know how it is with a poor kid who gets money right, those that have money don't really begrudge that he now has it.  What really turns them off is his "showing his *ss" obnoxious and arrogant behaviour that really makes them wish he didn't have money.  It is the same with Aggie football fans.  Nobody begrudges the team having success, it is their obnoxious and arrogant behaviour that now makes you sorry that you were ever glad they had success!!!
  12. As promised his name is Tom Steyer.  You can google him and get a boatload of info on his opposition to the Keystone Pipeline!!
  13. Of course the Houston station did not mention that Mr. Micheal was from Beaumont and made a reference that Anahuac High School was a Houston School.  Always considered Anahuac more SE Texas than Houston!!!  I guess the Beaumont Surprise has totally missed this!!!
  14. I went and heard ole Floyd a time or two!!
  15. I saw a story earlier on Fox News tonight about a Democrat Billionaire supporter who is not George Soros, I cannot remember his name right now.  He has been identified as a major opponent against the Keystone Pipeline and instrumental in the numerous delays.  He is pledging $100 million to democrat candidates who will support his liberal causes.  BUT FOR NEWTOBIE, this is just fine and dandy and nothing is wrong with this at all, because this is not the Koch brothers and this Billionaire is not conservative.  The stinking hypocracy of liberals makes normal people want to puke!!  Oh and to top it off, one of the areas in the country to most benefit from Keystone is, you guessed it Port Arthur, Tx and the Golden Triangle.  But hey, Port Arthur doesn't need any economic benefit!!!!   I promise to get this Billionaires name and post on here so everyone can google him!!!
  16. I stand firmly against the NIV 2011 and when my 1984 hard copy version falls apart I will move to another version that has not compromised to meet the demands of a secular culture!!!
  17. Please provide the numbers please.  And can we trust Russia to report honestly what they spend.
  18. My point is we should have never have allowed our military might to be so compromised.  This did not happen this year!!  This has taken several years to get to this point.  Even if the current admin started today, it would take several years to be in a position of strength again.
  19. ding ding ding ding ding!!!!!   We have a winner.  It is considered appalling if someone who is conservative contributes heavily, but it is just perfectly fine for radical-liberal-treasonous individuals to contribute heavily!!!
  20. We all know that there truly are people who really need assistance.  I do not believe, and many on here are stating the same, that it is really anywhere near the number of people currently on federal/state assistance.  But we have a whole political party that makes it there goal to put as many on that assistance as possible ie.....buying votes and self perpetuating the problem.  When Bush was in office we had bad debt that totaled somewhere around $8trillion.  Now we have "good" debt that totals around $17trillion.  This is not a Bush/Obama debate.  It is a IDEOLOGICAL debate on what is the right way for this country.  There is not a person on here that would be against helping the truly needy.  I believe they are now the minority of the number of people on these programs.   I am pretty sure the 148 million includes those on federal payroll.  The point is we should have a significant majority that are "earners" and paying in to the system compared to those who take from the system.  There is not enough space to write all that is needed to fix the problem. 
  21. We can scream until we pass out from lack of oxygen, but this current admin doesn't understand this, doesn's believe it, or worse is happy to go along with allowing Putin to resurrect the USSR and deminish the USA as the (or even a) world power. I do not think that Obama wants the USA to be anymore powerful or relevant than the home country of his father!!!
  22. This is classic SETXSports board!!!!  We have a fiasco that has been going down in the admin of BISD for years now and this thread takes a turn toward who is going to win a football game in the fall!!! 
  23. How do crooks get elected and/or appointed to high profile positions at the local and state government level??? 
  24. Mat, the only way to change this is a total turnover in congress and the president with those that desire to build up humans and improve them instead of make them slaves of the state through welfare subsistence.  I assume that you grasp the probabilities of that happening!!!
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