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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. [Hidden Content]   Why would Putin cancel USA surveillance flights if he had nothing to hide???
  2. You would just have to be around this individual (Mr./Ms. Klug) to understand!!!
  3. Why does anyone think they will not appeal.  Their is nothing in the results of their past governance that would suggest they would do otherwise!!!!
  4. [Hidden Content]   More incriminating evidence!!!  Holder's fingerprints are all over this!!
  5. Here's a theory for you!!!  I think that because we live in a free society, Russia, back in the 50's planted numerous individuals who have brought on the mindset of the radical left wing programs that we are seeing today in all forms: taking God out of the public square, the destruction of the judeo/christian morals that governed how we treated poeple and live our lives, the total disrespect for human life as first seen in Roe vs Wade, the great society government welfare programs that we see continue to expand, and dumbing down of our education system where kids are being taught that America is evil, that self esteem is most important and they no longer are taught a sound education and critical thinking skills.  Masterful job!!!  And while this was at work during the 60's, 70' and 80's, the Soviet Union imploded because of their corrupt and Godless society.  But, emboldened by the very rapid demise of the USA in the last 6 years, Putin is now highly motivated (as is China, Iran and others) and he is moving toward rebuiding the Soviet Empire now that he knows the USA will not stand in his way!!  I know I know, that is quite a conspiracy theory and it is fun to think about and would make a great movie!!!  But many of our more recent spy and espionage movies are really veiled pictorals of the real truth of what is going on!!!  Just thought I would throw that out for debate and discussion.  I already can imagine the responses from some of you!!!
  6. [Hidden Content]   This is from USA today so don't give me the right wing propaganda song and dance!!!
  7. Who knows!!  We all thought we knew who the final four teams would be and who would win it!!  Yes on the surface it does not look good and I understand your question.  Strong was hired, the real UT fans and T'shirt fans like me are not panicking.  It always "comes out in the wash" over time!!  It will take time for all of us to know how good a xxx000's guy he is and how good a recruiter he is at Texas.  Maybe his gamble's will not pay off, and maybe they will. If you read my previous post, it will come down to coaching and winning with what he inherited and what he brings in.  It will matter in the next few classes after thin one more.  Maybe he doesn' understand recruiting in the state of Texas.  Again, I am not panicking and yes if he were getting all 4's & 5's then we would have more of a sense of security, but it could be a false security!!!
  8. All this falls on deaf ear's as those who are beholden to the government will not bite the hand that feeds them.  That is why and exactly how we find ourselves in this mess!!!
  9. This is part of Obama's "repatriation" plan!!!
  10. Lets be real clear, as a Texas T'shirt football fan I am not saying we do not want 4 or 5 star recruits.  What we are saying is we are not panicking while you Ag's are running around claiming the sky is falling.  If Strong can coach, then he will be succesful with the guys he gets now.  If he is successful, he will do even better with future recruits and he will get more than his share of 4-5 stars!!! If he can't coach then it won't matter.  We have aleady been through the "Used Car Saleman" coach who could sale ice to an eskimo and got more than his share of the top recruits.  That did not proportionaly show up in the success on the field.  If Sumlin does'nt do better than he did last year over the next 5, trust me you guys will lead the charge to have him gone!!!  If Strong don't produce the desired results on the field over the next 5 whether he has all 3's or all 5's, he will be gone as well.  We can stop all this BS right now!! But I know you guys are really having fun with it so we can be assured you will continue your hahaha gotcha posts for the short term.
  11. I don't know so get me straight on this.  I have seen on here others say that Manziel was a 3 star recruit.  If that is so, then a 3 star recruit has been the best player since John David Crow for the Aggies?  I don't know but maybe that is too far back.  On another point, Mack Brown who, as far as I know, was the original "coach February" did not fare as well in December/January as he did in February!  I would gladly take real Cahmpionships over "fictitious" ones. 
  12. Or go down with it!!!
  13. Carter's weakness has only been surpassed by Obama's!  Nope correction, at least Carter is at heart a patriot and believed in American soveignty!!  Obama has been a man with a purpose to destroy this country and make it no better than a 3rd world nation!!
  14. I wonder why our Aggie bud's who have normally been out front on committment's didn't beat you the punch on this one?
  15. Let me help you past the revisionist history that promulgates our current society!!  It was American strength that brought down the Eastern Bloc wall!!  It is American weakness that now emboldens Putin to rebuild it.  If you want to try to make this a Republican/Democrat issue, you might want to check the quicksand you are standing on!!
  16. Les see Serbia was a civil war, not Russia taking over.  North Korea has been stymied for 60+ years (wit loss of American lives) and we know how Desert Storm went, remarkably well.  Lets see it was two Democrats that led us into Vietnam and a Republican, under intense pressure at home who got us out.  I have a pretty good memory!!
  17. You can stick you head in the sand and turn a blind eye to this situation.  There is so much to be said about this, but in doing so, I will be totally misunderstood and taken out of context!!!
  18. It will probably take a swat team to get the current power group out of the buildings!!
  19. [Hidden Content]   Obama/Holder make Putin look like Santa Claus!!!  Certainly Putin is more honest and less corrupt!!
  20. Maybe this has been the plan since 2008!!!
  21. Bullets13 we disagree on world view but I do admire your dedication to the kids!!!  I trust that they know the 3 R's much better after a year under your guidance than they did when you first met them at the beginning of an academic year. 
  22. Spend a little time surfing this message board in this section and you will get the drift!!
  23. One thing has never been in dispute, SWTS/Tx State has always shown its football recruits "a good time"!!
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