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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. My favorite quote concerning global warming came from Dennis Miller who said, and i am paraphrasing:  If the result of Global Warming is that we are all going to freeze to death, then for sure only God can help us"!!!
  2. In my best Lynyrd Skynyrd parody voice: Give me back my Bullets!!!   [Hidden Content]      
  3. [Hidden Content],0,1040665.story#axzz2v6zXoucs   Cucoos like this in corporate america deserve to feel the pain in the bottom line!!
  4. [Hidden Content]   I know this is not from the liberal "Mecca" of news sources, CNN, but then again they have probably only spent 5 minutes of news time covering the IRS scandal and quickly pronounce that it was much to do about nothing.
  5. I think this is really telling!!  Lets pick this apart and then we can all regroup and see how this pans out in the future!!  First lets look at Sumlin.  He has yet in his coaching career that I know of to win a conference championship.  He played in a conference championship game but lost.  He still has not "won the big one"!!  Only time will tell, He also has a very laid back style.  The has not translated into a championship.  Maybe, just maybe the lack of discipline is hurting the chances for championships.   It is attracting very good players, and that will translate into wins, but is the discipline there to win championships like say Alabama??  Have to wait and see, but that was the knock in Austin about Brown.  Team was soft and didn';t have the discipline to win championships.  On any given day they had the talent to win.  Second, is the SEC factor another X-factor in the recruiting battles.  At some point, because all things are cyclical, the SEC will come back to the pack and it will not be able thump its chest so demonstrably as the best conference.  What happens then??  Stay tuned!!!
  6. I think you are right.  I wonder why his dad's moving him out of Liberty didn't get the D1 scholly out of HS that he was aiming for???
  7. Justifying bad behaviour by point to the bad behavior of others always slays me!!!   This is indicative of the societal problem that we have.
  8. [Hidden Content]  
  9. [Hidden Content]  
  10. [Hidden Content]  
  11. Here is another take on the matter!!   [Hidden Content]   Putin is overwhelming more concerned by Ukrainian nationals who hold guns in there hands than he is of the USA as we are today!!!!
  12. Every night of the week CNN/MSNBC skews things to the left and reports half truths, or just out right spews hatred and vitriol.  I never hear you complain!!!
  13. I did not donate.  Pulled this from Drudge.  Asking if this is being reported elsewhere?  Just because CNN or even Fox isn't covering does not in and of itself mean that it is bogus.  I take everything from every news source with a grain of salt. 
  14. YESSIR!!!!!
  15. [Hidden Content]     My favorite quote from the article:  "She did, though, exhibit an administration mind-set — all or nothing — that, in practice, amounts to nothing."  My emphasis added!!
  16. RIGHT ON POINT!!!!
  17. It is not a myth.  It is where most of the voters of this country are told how to vote in national elections, and then they march out like robots a vote just like they were told!!!
  18. I disagree with you PhatMack!  It probably isn't going to start well, but I think that it is going to end well!!
  19. This ought to get on onslaught of vitriolic posts from the faithful!!!
  20. The troll just recently got off "double secret probation" and was allowed back to posting!!  :D   You were missed!!!
  21. How about this bullets13.....only time will tell!!   Truth and time walk hand in hand!!  One thing is for sure, Iran would have never sent warships near our shores in years gone by!!
  22. Hahaha!  This is a typical liberal article about a typical liberal candidate.  She tells us who she really is and what she really believes in her famous fillibuster.  Decides to run for governeress as the champion liberal, only to realize that in conservative Texas she doesn't have much chance unless she LIES in her campaign and says she is willing to modify her position. But she knows, and you know, that the liberal education system that you champion and that the citizens have been reared up in the last 40 years has "castrated" their brains such that they will "believe what she says" instead of "what she does".  That is why she has a chance to be elected.  The stupidity of the electorate!! 
  23. Maybe you should have said you "were not trying to be" an ass.  That said, Lamar is not going to attract a big name coach who is currently employed a big time school and having success.  A "big name" would have to be someone who had achieved success in the past but had fallen on hard times and looking for a place to bounce back.. The best option would be for LU to hire an "up and comer" like they did when they hired Tubbs back in 1975.  Some one who is looking for their first head coaching break and will wind up after 5 or so successful years at a big program!!!
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