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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. And just think, the Democrats are busy stragegizing how to turn the success we have had under a lengthy conservative leadership reigh here in Texas into the failure of California, Chicago and the Northeastern states!!  
  2. At the core of what is at issue here is historical Christian beliefs versus secular beliefs.  Christians believe the best way to live is based on Judeo-Christian ethics as laid out in the bible.  Consequently, our laws and regulations were set up along those beliefs.  The rapidly radical secularization of this country over the last 40+ years has put those laws and regulations at odds with a growing and restless populace in this country.  What we have is a significant clash of belief systems.  So, I believe that same sex sexual relations, as clearly outlined in the Judeo-Christian bible, is offensive to God.  Many of you think it is just fine and dandy, and maybe the superior sexual practice.  As a Christian, I believe that you should not practice that just as I would believe you shouldn't commit heterosexual adultery, or you should not steal, lie, murder etc.  If you do not rub it in my face and keep what you do in your bedroom to yourself, I will almost assuredly keep my opinion to myself.  If you ask me, I will tell you how I believe and why.   
  3. DeLoss Dodds!!  I am glad he is gone too.  I didn't agree with it either.  Gordon Gecko is wrong, greed is NOT good!!!
  4. Will this be another Muslim slaughter of Christians???  I mean turnabout is fair play isn't it?  Christians are capturing muslim cities all over the world and demanding they convert or die. right?
  5. You know, everybody spins right!!  To your point, I think that this is "one" explanation of why UT's record slipped over the last 4 years (which is a fact)?  I am sure it is multi-faceted and this is one perspective no matter if too much or too little weight is being applied.  As for Mack, I never was a big fan (he made questionable personnel moves/mistakes during his tenure in my opinion, but he had a lot of personnel to work with) but do appreciate his contributions to the program and respect the fact he will go down in UT football history as among its best. 
  6. I know you were struggling with the perception that a kid would choose LU over A&M so this helps soothe the feathers so to speak!
  7. I find it quite curious that there has been no response to this article.
  8. At least you tried to come up with an example. WE1's response was particularly problematic and Bullets did not even attempt.  Ali would be the best example and I won't quible much with you logic.  It is my opinion that Ali mellowed a lot as he moved into his senior years (as do most of us) and his detractors also mellowed and appreciated him more for his contributions than for where they disagreed with him.  He also was not born a muslim and converted.  Not going to dredge all that up and why he did convert. I have more to say about this but it will have to wait until I finish a code red here at work.
  9. Thank you Josh Ernest for joining our board!!  Welcome!!
  10. So what we can take away from this is that the Admin didn't do anything intentional that led to the deaths of the 4 americans.  That was NEVER in question.  What was is the absolute ridiculous lie about what caused it (video) and that is was spontaneous from a crowd of rebel rousers!!  Also in  question was the lack of any effort to provide military support while the attack was going on which lasted for hours.  This thread is another attempt by a radical left apologist for the current POTUS (this would be like something ECO would do) to try to divert attention from the real problem and issue!!
  11. I can respect that!!
  12. How did the get out of UA alive???  LOL!!!
  13. And the beat goes on.............
  14. Not being a smart-ass, I truly do not know.  Can you point out well known individuals who are muslim and made very significant contributions to the founding and the building of this country?  Someone on the level of a FDR or a JFK or a Washington or U.S Grant or a Lincoln.  Just curious.
  15. Brasky,  just curious, are you affiliated with Tx State in any capacity other than a current or former student?
  16. Lets, see, climate change, gay marriage, abortion.  those are things that many would spill their blood over!!!
  17. When I realized that the debate with a certain poster could only be held at the kindergarten level, I decided that is was a complete waste of time to engage!!  I am sure in time you fellows will come to a similar conclusion!!!
  18. This is a serious question. So don't pollute the board with a bunch of name calling and vitriol.  They are both committed to the eradication of the Jewish race!!
  19. make that 15 theads!!  LOL!!  seriously, this group of terrorists and hate filled humans are so committed to the absolute destruction of another group of humans that they will sacrifice their own women and children to try to eradicate the Jewish race!!!
  20. The current occupant of the White House does not share your beliefs as stated above.  For anyone to say that he does plainly and maliciously ingores his very actions!!!
  21. Does he really hate Americans?  This is the classic radical liberal setup of trying to paint someone as not being compassionate when it is just plain not true.
  22. I would say that it is much much more than facilities and school buildings.  They now have pretty good facilities accross the board now.  The coming together means lets do what it takes to greatly improve what happens in the classroom and the quality of education these kids get.  Lets have the kind of focus and drive at the administration and teacher level to ensure kids actually learn!!  And lets teach them the core subjects of Math, English (Reading and Writing) and the sciences that make a difference in innovation and job creation.  And I am all for bilingual education.  Teach english speaking kids spanish and spanish speaking kids english!!
  23. I am not, if that is what you are asking.  I would however post article's by prognosticators who were making predictions favorable to my teams!!
  24. Is he 100% accurate on all his prognostications??
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