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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. I agree--Lumberton resumes its rightful place---with the bottomfeeders. Dayton better hope that they have something else coming in. The JV and Freshman squads didn't look like world beaters last year. We will have enough to handle Lumberton. They JV and Freshman squads didn't handle Lumberton last year. It was push in both games.
  2. I agree--Lumberton resumes its rightful place---with the bottomfeeders. This prediction coming from the person who guaranteed a Dayton victory over Lake Travis. The Raiders will be in the mix. Dayton better hope that they have something else coming in. The JV and Freshman squads didn't look like world beaters last year.
  3. HF! Good grief! What happened to Crosby? Lumberton should have played Dayton or Lamarque or another good 4A school from the Houston area.
  4. Lets hope that it is a lot more than just barely 8 figures if you know what I mean. Lets hope it is at least 2 times just barely 8 figures.
  5. I was at that game and sat in the grass on the north end zone. both grass end zone's we pretty full. Had to be 20k+
  6. Is this all there is to the article or is there more?
  7. It will be interesting to get the story on what happened to the defense in this game. You almost nailed the score, you just had it backwards. Great season for the Broncos. You may have been beaten by the state champs.
  8. Wimberly put a spanking on WOS in that game.
  9. 1947, do you know what Lumberton turned in?
  10. When Waller loses, and that probably will happen next week, "Lame" Pain Train will be nowhere to be found.
  11. Go Broncos. Here's a Raider fan rooting for you guys to go all the way. You are representing all of 22-4A now. Go all the way to state.
  12. I don't think anyone from Huffman should be weighing in on this, do you?
  13. From an old Raider fan who goes all the way back to the 1st Lumberton game ever, congratulations to a group of kids who worked hard and payed the price to be successful. You have set the bar for all future teams to follow. You should be proud of what you have accomplished. To coach Creduer and his staff, great job. You prepared the kids very well and you instilled confidence and a belief that they can win. And to the fans, it has been awesome seeing so many people who were so excited to root for good ole LHS. So many new traditions were started this year. We look forward to a bright future.
  14. Sounds like you are bitter in victory. Such a shame. No wonder you guys can't get more than 2500 (that is probably generous) to follow a team three games deep in the playoffs. In spite of you, there are probably good fans and good kids on the team in Waller. I'll take our team and fans any day.
  15. From a Raider fan, congratualations and represent SE Texas well in the game.
  16. Permian would smoke both Dayton and Lumberton
  17. There's no way in the world that Liberty Hill and Waco LaVega beat GP North Shore.
  18. I don't know, but it is a darn good one. Many of the prognasticator's are picking them to go to the finals. Here's a Raider fan hoping that the Raider's stop them short. But if they make it, I'll be rooting for them.
  19. I can't figure how Waller has 3,237 yds rushing as a team. When you add up the the Waller players on the rushing list you only come up with 1,696 yds. They must have 16 or more players who have less than 100 yds each which is most unlikely.
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