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Everything posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. Steve I am out of the game on responding to a certain posters comments.  There seems to be a comprehension problem!!  I know you are trying deperately to provide clear and factual posts, but it just isn't going to work in my opinion.
  2. Time and time again our elected leaders and those who in vain work in economic development in our area bring to the forefront that one of the major obstacles to convincing businesses to relocate/open facilities in the area is the state of public education (not the sole reason but no doubt one huge problem).  Businesses would rather open up in Houston and "drive" to this area to do business/service their customers.  Most of our kids will be either "underemployed" if they stay in this area or have to relocate to other areas to get good jobs.  We are not growing in this area while most of the rest of Texas major and smaller metro's are growing.  It is time to wake up and quit turning our heads and fix the problem and get "racial politics" out of the equation so we can prosper.  Otherwise, it will be a slow declining process of perishing!!! 
  3. You have crossed over the line now.  I for one will completely ignore any posts you make as they have no reasonable and honest intellectual intent or content!!!  It is a complete waste of time to respond to your posts!! 
  4. I was going to point our how "Christ like" that was as well.  By your posts on this board Big Girl, anyone with even the smallest amount on intellectual capacity could only draw the conclusion that Obama is your "Christ"!!  It is blatantly obvious that you put more faith in him the the true "SON OF GOD"!!!
  5. Many of you for sure know more than me.  I just have questions as to whether Chargois inherited a big mess and did nothing to clean it up, or did he make it worse.  In my mind this is the result of Thomas's leadership and Chargois just didn't fix things so they continued to get worse.  Someone correct me if I am wrong.  Of course, as far as the Board is concerned, they for the most part have been here for the duration and are unquestionably at fault!!!!
  6. You didn't ask me!!
  7. Yep, calling BS!!!  Lets see, Obamacare, his stance on most all social issues ie....gay marriage and abortion, his proposed immigration policy.  then you have a whole host of other issues (not policies, but sure his core beliefs) like the handling of Benghazi and the IRS targeting of conservatives!   
  8. I am not obsessing over it, but the words in it do OBSESS over UT!!  Imagine singing that in front of a stadium of Roll Tide Crimson when you are an aggie:  Goodbye to Texas University, so long to the orange and the white.......They have to be laughing their arses off!!!
  9. Let's hope and pray that after two years, the school district is better off educationally and financially and that wounds are healed and everyone comes together to continue improving and making publlic education in Beaumont a true benefit for the kids who attend school here!!!  A stronger and better BISD is better for everyone in the Golden Triangle!!!
  10. What is going on now was not happening back then!!
  11. Yeah, but he/she is a Democratic party plant to scan all such articles and boards to put just such postings blaming Repubs and the ea Party for every/all problems, especially those created by the Democratic party policies!!!  We have those trolls on our board!!
  12.  I think in a different thread to a question asked by PamFam I said that low information voters reside along the political spectrum (Democrat, Independent and Republican).  The question that can't be definatively answered is where is the largest concentration of them!!  You would assert that would be in the Republican camp, I assert they are in he Democratic camp.  If you can find any INDEPENDENT data that would show the distribution let us know. I do not think any data exists to show as almost assuredly it would have too much subjectivity too it to be reliable. 
  13. Big Girl, I am actually saying this to myself for you and others to "hear" (read) but using your post as the jumping point since you make the statement that "God will supply all my needs".  I believe the very same thing yet I get caught up in all this politcal drama of what if the best way for us to govern ourselves in this country.  I think that I am, and we all are putting really all of our faith in our government to "supply all our needs" than I/we are putting in God.  And with the very fact that we have for over 40 years been systematically removing God from every facet of our government (actually we are thumbing our nose at God), we continue as a country that down what I feel is a dangerous path. This is not a democrat or republican issue, both parties are at fault.  One has abandoned for the most part any allegiance to God and the other is only giving lip service, but both are very secular in its ideals of governance.
  14. This is interesting, and it is quite possible to believe both.  It is well know that many of the early scientist's were avowed bible believing Christians who did their scientific work to understand God's creation and His natural laws.  It would be interesting to understand how you view science and God's word.  It is a discussion that is not condusive to numerous posts on this board.  But for starters, I am literalist and believe in a 7 day creation period. However the most important aspect is not whether you believe in a seven day period or if it actually took longer than 7 literal days, but that God actively created the universe and has actively worked since the beginning in the lives of his creation.  And, even more importantly, that God's MORAL law is absolute and is not invalid no matter what scientific evidence we may find.  Holiness is more important to God than scientific knowledge that we may possess.  
  15. I think it is time too change the words of the aggie fight song!!!  (actually it has long been past time to change them, but hey I think for the sake of LSU, Bama, Fla. et al....it is time to make the change!!!)
  16. Very thought provoking!!!  I have said this before.  It has every appearance that the current POTUS desires the USA to be no more prosperous, no more influential, no more succesful, no more powerful or no more esteemed among the other soveriegn nations of this world than the country that is the birthplace of his father!!!
  17. I think for many of us who disagree with the "far" left agenda, we have always disagreed and do not believe that it is best for humanity much less the USA.  We are weary of being labeled racist over the last 6 years when over the previous period of our life when we disagreed with liberal leaning administrations or liberal members of congress we may have been labeled numerous things but racist wasn't one of them.  There is not any difference between before and now except the ethnicity of the current President.  And that is exactly my point.  The race card has allowed the far left (radical) liberal agenda to advance like never before under the cover of branding non African Americans who speak out against the current Admins policies as racist and the few African Americans who do are marginalized as being sell outs or worse!!  I can say for myself and I think for many others on this board who are conservative  (based on reading their posts) that I (and they) hold no personal animosity or wish ill will against anyone I disagree with about public policy or governance of this country.  I do strongly disagree with the positions of our left leaning brethren who post on this board.  I obviously enjoy the debate and foolheartedly think that my posts on here will change the beliefs and thoughts of some on the left.  It is obvious that I haven't. 
  18. Low information voters are those who vote for candidates on things other than substantive issues such as looks, gender, ethnicity etc.... They take at face value what the candidates and media tell them and they do not look at the voting record or office achievement, or where someone stands on important issues.  They do reside in both parties as well as those who call themselves independents.  There is a greater % of them in the younger age bracket which could account for your question about the 4 year span between Bush's 2004 victory and Obama's 2008 victory.  Older voters tend to be more conservative and grew up in a era where a persons actions matter more than there words (they are dying off).  Couple that with the fact that Obama probably had the highest % of younger voters since Kennedy (and the historic nature of his win) and you have a plausible explanation. 
  19. I am afraid that will not happen soon and there will be more embarrassments to suffer!!  Its a shame, he does have talent!!
  20. We are very happy too!!!   :)
  21. Too the point of the name of this topic, I work with a gentleman who happened to be born here in the USA wih African ethnicity.  He didn't choose to be born with that ethnicity just as I didn't choose to be born caucasian with numerous European ethnicities.  He is well educated and brings valuable skills and a very good work ethic to our organization.  He doesn't operate in a fashion where his ethnicity is the first and foremost part of his being.  Just seems to want to be a regular human being!  What a novel idea.  He is engaging, thoughtful and easy to get along with.  I would think that there are some in his own communtiy that see him in a negative light, but you wouldn't know it as he doesn't dwell or make an issue of the political and racial issues that are all around us on the local/state/national level.  Just thought I would share this with you guys!!!
  22. Steve/Big Girl, this is too much PDA for this board!!!  LOL!!!  :D
  23. Maybe I should have inserted "only" in the first sentence!
  24. Steve, some people who you and I disagree with on this board can be taken seriously and others can't!!  I am confident you can figure it out from there!!!
  25. I know that you and I (and many others on this board) will never agree about politics, the state of the union, what is good for America and its citizens.  We could probably have a great conversation sitting beside a basketball court about the game and other less volitale subjects and I would walk away from the conversation with the feeling that you are a generally good person (and I am sure you are)!  We just have different points of view about what is good and right about how to govern this country.  I don't expect that you will change your views and I know that I am not changeing mine.  I will continue to vote my convictions and will probably be generally disappointed in the representation I receive from elected officials on both sides of the aisle. Doesn't mean that either wish harm on the other or we couldn't agree on other non political things in a social setting.
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