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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. Hookem
  2. Houston wants in! Do you think they would throw to game?
  3. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from 2015 [Hidden Content] hookem
  4. Bohl's really, really likes our WR's [Hidden Content] Hookem
  5. Thank you!!!!!
  6. Strong will be relying on some very good youngsters [Hidden Content] Hookem
  7. Exactly what I was pointing out. Arkansas ain't got many recruits. Who needs glasses, I just zoomed in on the map. If you zoom enough, you can see the Fayettville Golden Corral. To the front right in the parking lot, you can see whole hogs Range Rover. It is in the "Employee of the Month" spot by the handicapped spots. Hookem
  8. Locksley now a WR [Hidden Content] Hookem
  9. A very reputable source! Hookem
  10. What happened to Arkansas? Got all swallared up by football greatness!! Hookem
  11. Four things for fanatics to remember [Hidden Content] Hookem
  12. It was not because of Texas.
  13. Talk to the mgr. They need more workers at the registers. We used to call them Checkers, now not PC
  14. Somebody complained to mgt over the content! over the new workforce rules, mgt must respond!
  15. Wasn't the civil war fought over the issue of slavery? or as I was taught, a states right to secede! Revisionist history!
  16. Five Classic DKR quotes [Hidden Content] and a few more....... Hookem
  17. [Hidden Content] I would rather play Arkansas! I guess this is why we have to play the season. Hookem
  18. Charlie Stong is happy. [Hidden Content] Hookem
  19. Yoo-hoo sports says it Boo It problem took a panel of at least 10 ex-spurts to come up with that answer. [Hidden Content] Hookem
  20. Pls delete double post!
  21. If have not listened to Rush since Gulf War 1. Only occansionly get to listen to Hannity. My wife controls the remote, and I get watch CNN. lol
  22. Transgender OK What about skin color or hair color? or baldies! Free market means free until government says no! More regulations = less freedoms
  23. When you're the RICH boss
  24. Maybe a revised deal for Shaka too! [Hidden Content] Pay da man! Hookem
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