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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. Some stones are just better off left UNTURNED.
  2. And why do dead people keep following the former President from Arkansas. It must be the RNC conspiracy, the Russians, or the "hillbilly mafia" Just like a good coon dog, who never quits hunting.
  3. [Hidden Content] I want to say passing of the torch, but the fire the last couple of years has been more candle-like. Alway a fanatic, good times or bad. Hookem
  4. And if her dog could not fit in her lap like a baby, would she have to purchase a ticket for her dog like a child would need to have?
  5. So your Ok with it on the plane. What if a passenger objected or had alergies? Who has more rights? The paying passenger or the non-paying service pet. What about pets in the grocery store?
  6. I have no problem with REAL service dogs. Last week, on TV, I saw a stuffed dog get his vest and credentials for $65 on the Internet. I have seen more in the last month, than my entire life.
  7. And K Johnson had a long TD run yesterday in 11 on 11. and Coach Moore has them in shape!!! Hookem
  8. Brian got it right again!
  9. Heard to receiver [Hidden Content] fanatic confirmed Hookem
  10. Huff's good interview with Coach Gilbert [Hidden Content] Hookem
  11. No one on this thread was blaming Manny for anything! His D just did not seem to work outside of the $ec. Time will tell. Hookem
  12. Been to eleven of the top 20 CFB towns. I guess I need another "bucket list"! Hookem
  13. This is what can happen when you use your education to make a ton of money! [Hidden Content] Be the owner and boss!
  14. [Hidden Content] Hookem
  15. Good read on our new field general [Hidden Content] Hookem
  16. Pretty long slideshow/list [Hidden Content] Hookem
  17. I got this
  18. Johnson was in Austin on Friday [Hidden Content] Hookem
  19. It might hurt a&m's recruiting!
  20. Then they could not issue a citation for a violation on camera unless at red light. What about tollways?
  21. Well some cities issues citations based on photographs at intersections. Could i take a picture of the offending party and send to the proper authority?
  22. I don't believe that this game is played on NFL venue.
  23. I heard that this was happening in Beaumont. Is it legal, and if so, how can we implement in other areas? curious
  24. And handicapped means plackard displayed or on your plates.
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