Old news!
It is his choice!
When you post yours, I will text Trump!
alot like emails, spin it long enough, the people will forget, or just start to believe the lies and deception that Ms. Clinton stands behind.
My first tapes I purchased were Deep Purple Machine Head And Led Zepplin Houses of the Holy!
My first album was
"Meet the Beatles"
and remember the paper trick!
We would drive around and listen to our 8 tracks.
Playing them so much they would get too tight and break.
Out comes the knife and tape.
No reason to quit listening to your favorite tape.
Design problem with 8 track that I did not learn about until engineering began.
Texas 9-3
It time for 3* Char to start producing.
This is year 3, and the first two were poisoned by S. Watson and QB play.
No loss to Cyclones allowed in 2016.