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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. Hide behind "private school"
  2. Texas' first satellite camp a success [Hidden Content] ole 3* Char got another two hours with the kids! Hookem
  3. Duke Carlisle - Texas Cotton Speyer - Texas from PA Bill Montgomery - Arkansas Chuck Dicus - Arkansas
  4. James Street - Texas Steve Worster - Texas
  5. Yea All the experts were saying 2005 USC Trojans were the greatest CFB all-time!! Hookem say hello to Mr. Young
  6. Is that a tweet? #btbb Hookem
  7. You will see soon enough! soooeeey #btbb
  8. Already posted by Pats, you are a little late!
  9. if that why he would leave, Just more reason not to want him.
  10. When he played He got pushed around, neither big nor strong enough! I would not ***t you. No spilled tears over this grad transfer. I really had no idea that Arkansas had a grad school.
  11. I only post BR for Mack I can read and search the Internet! Have you ever posted a link to verify what you say? If you have, I must apologize for missing it. Now, back to the topic, pay him more $ tigers, he is too old to be the next baseball coaching legend at Texas. Texas baseball just got rid of an old coach. Time for change, Younger and aggresvive, ........then you and your $ec buddies will have another Big XII team kicking you butts on the road to Omaha.
  12. Scared of a true freshman center and a another possible year with Wickline. Wickline is gone and we got a good center for four years. Yes it was a smart move for the Horns. Hookem btw, he was not accepted in grad school at ucla , so it was down to smu and the hogs. $ec must have lower admission standards. Remember bandkid?
  13. He is too old. Texas looking for the next legend. Good try and watch the source. #btbb
  14. Imagine him in today's game in the slot. WOW best return man Longhorns have ever had
  15. AJ "Jam" Jones - Texas Johnny Johnson - Texas Curtis Dickey - Texas A&M Raymond Clayborn - Texas
  16. I will have to wait until tomorrow and take my wife.
  17. Your right about everything! My dog is a border collie. She definitely responds to key words like outside, walk, food, ride, blue, white, red, bone, treat, and is learning beach. My wife and I are practicing empty nesting and taking her with us. She was about 18 months old when I got her. I got her the day I was diagnosed with cancer. I scared the cancer away two years ago, but the dog won't leave. smh
  18. I am on my way to Beaumont for my FREE drinks. Love the challenge
  19. More gun control, we have enough laws learned today that gun shop warned the authorities of suspicious behavior of this man when he purchased the gun. Sounds like some authority needs to step up and share the blame. this has turned into a useless rant, sorry
  20. I guess this means no glow in the dark. How will we ever be able to compete and recruit well! Hookem
  21. My house!
  22. [Hidden Content] Why does aggy success only happen if Texas demise continues? #btbb Hookem
  23. Johnny "Lam" Jones - Texas Johnny "Ham" Jones - Texas Johnny "Damn" Jones - Texas
  24. Richt will do well, but he will not allow the bad behavior! #btbb
  25. George Woodard - Texas A&M
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