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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. Why do armadillos die legs up?
  2. Do better than at Georgia or better than Golden at U?
  3. After what is going on at Baylor, NO on Briles
  4. I guess you won't like my foie gras tattoo! smh
  5. Hermann is the second best coach in the state. Hookem
  6. That is a looonnngg corny dog
  7. Como esta frijoles cabrito? translated: How you bean kid?
  8. I find myself asking, when in a Mexican cafe, Are they really serving chicken fajitas?
  9. Reported earlier Hookem
  10. We can afford it. We got some money left over from our stadium expansion and you know what they say, "use it or lose it" hookem
  11. Proceed at risk. [Hidden Content] Only 2 $ec games?
  12. Pay raises for assistants
  13. Terrorist have to learn their trade!
  14. Neither was the Bhopal, India accident!!
  15. At least Aggies can thank Johnny for the stadium expansion and home of the "Jury"
  16. I have seen tests/scans are $5000 with insurance and $700 without insurance and paying cash! IMO, there should be no difference.
  17. How tall was Johnny football?
  18. Heard changing positions? [Hidden Content] maybe baby Braxton Miller Hookem
  19. Camping in Houston [Hidden Content] Hookem How long can Hermann hold this city?
  20. I love driving in Htown treat it like the Indy 500!! vaarrooom
  21. Last rant concerning Mother's Day Why does my "wife" get mad at ME every year?
  22. Yea, not that I suffer from road rage syndrome, but 75% of the drivers I meet, are lucky I don't drive a tank, or even a dually truck.
  23. That's funny
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