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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. New WR coach [Hidden Content] another Charlie for the Aggies to poke at. Hookem
  2. So much different than our friends in college station hookem
  3. Goodies from LHN waiting see Aggie game plan on sec network!!!
  4. More Gathers hookem
  5. Some real Aggie love [Hidden Content] Showing how much we care by pretending we don't care at all.
  6. All indications are he will be back.
  7. Not much energy on the defensive side. Hookem even going 0-2 this week looking good for March
  8. If TxHoops says it Done Deal
  9. With post-season ban?
  10. They seem to like Texas coaches !
  11. Pleasure Island would become the next Biloxi!
  12. What Texas players are involved? and OT Why would nc2a allow anyone to see a file.
  13. New RB coach [Hidden Content]
  14. Good meat, simple seasoning, simple pit, great cooking talent.
  15. Aaron Franklin is from Bryan/College Station and chooses to have his great bbq in Austin. What happens in Austin, changes the world!
  16. La gives a lot of money away. State government is not very smart.
  17. Hookem
  18. It is cold in Ames this morning hookem
  19. Hoping to get back on track
  20. I can guarantee you that there isn't a Longhorn alive, who be happy at taking an Aggie coach. I will never understand Aggie logic.
  21. And then we have the "Energy Balance" it is just not positive. More energy into ethanol than out in gasoline. If the IDIOTS still require us to use ethanol , we need to use sugar cane so food prices can drop. Look at Brazil!!
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