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Everything posted by UTfanatic

  1. I was watching a popular cfb show last week and the topic was the uselessness of polls and all the top 4 shows every week. Just fodder until the last week! I am no expert, but I know what channel they are on. Lmao
  2. who is comparing Texas to A&M? i missed it.
  3. AD support [Hidden Content]
  4. gotta make sure coach smart finishes the year with mor wins than coach smart.
  5. More on Strong [Hidden Content]
  6. Smarts first win at UT [Hidden Content]
  7. Post mortem [Hidden Content]
  8. this is the part that bothers me most along with the inconsistency
  9. Saban? smartphone better than spellcheck
  10. break the bank hookem
  11. go Buddy go
  12. Foreman having surgery [Hidden Content] Gray and Vahe [Hidden Content]
  13. More Saban talk [Hidden Content] hookem
  14. sec will never go along with it too many possible hard games and of course the FCS schools losing money
  15. I think most of the posters teams do!
  16. Maybe he'll leave [Hidden Content] or mad enough to demand change!!
  17. reputable?
  18. Doesn't matter til last week.
  19. what do you think?
  20. I have seen everything. Which are you referring to?
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