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  1. Thanks, How is Ryan's ankle? Doc
  2. 1. Does anyone have the district meet CC schedule for Wed. at Claiburn Park? 2. How many teams qualify for regionals? 3. How many medalists qualify for regionals?
  3. Does anyone have the running schedule for the pleasue island meet?
  4. Correction, flocast.com or flowtrack.com
  5. The website is Flowtrac.com then scroll over the meet date and site.
  6. Coach, I found video of Ryan and other BC runners at the A&M meet. Great win and a great website. I encourage all to vote for Ryan as athlete of the week!
  7. It's sad how men like this seem to be very accident prone. Guys like this usally end up walking in front of moving cars and trip off of very high places. I wish him the safest of days in the future!!!!!!!!
  8. Thanks, I have trouble getting any information from my 14 y/o son.
  9. Does anyone have the remaing cross country schedules for the local high schools? Please include the district/regional and state meet dates. Thanks
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