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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. Let's hope he was talking about his hash browns from Waffle House!!!!
  2. I would like for us to beat whatever team we are playing in the state championship game. The ultimate win!!!!
  3. Andre Bevil had a problem with that right at first as well. The longer they all worked together, the better the QB and receivers got. I predict the same this year. Looking forward to seeing it!
  4. LOL, I've heard he was quite the athlete!!!
  5. I think testing should continue, but I think it should be expanded. I think there should be drug testing in schools, including teachers and administrators. At the plants, we are randomly tested. There are so many names pulled out of the hopper once a month or every other week. (Whatever needs to be done). Pretty much all jobs nowadays do drug screens prior to employment. Start testing where the drugs get started. Include the steroid test in with the regular drug screen. In other words, every test would be all-inclusive. I don't care what the cost is....the price is being paid everyday with these kids putting their own lives and the lives of their peers in danger by the sale and use of drugs (of ALL kinds, including the steroids). And let's not even get into what it means if a teacher or administrator is using! (Included in the drug testing would also be alcohol!) Just my opinion. I'm sure it will be debated, but I feel pretty strongly about this.
  6. It will prove that we are STILL better than Nederland and we can STILL keep up with some of the 4A teams around here! LOL. ;D
  7. Well... WOS has returning QB- Hypolite, RB- Garrett, WR/RB- Haynes, WR- Gloston, WR- Franks, OL- Arnold, OL- Provost, OL- Roberts. Provost has actually moved to TE and is doing really well. I'm shocked to hear WOS will have a TE. They aren't known much for that.
  8. Great idea! Were there a lot of people there?
  9. He's a pretty funny guy to be around, too. Never at a loss for an anecdote.
  10. Anything goes at 3 on 3. The offense wants to get to the end of the dummy at any cost and the defense does not want to allow that penetration at any cost! It's pretty much a free for all and it is exciting!!!!
  11. You would probably know better than we would. I'll be there @ 4:00, though, just to be safe. I don't know about that. I seem to get erroneous info from time to time. ;D
  12. LOL. I was told 5 PM tomorrow. I better be there at 4 to make sure, huh?
  13. Did you condition yourself in the summer or eat too many moon pies? LOL
  14. I keep hearing talk about HJ this year. My curiosity has been aroused and am pulling for the underdog. Good luck to HJ in every game you play this year except 1. ;D
  15. I think there was one player who missed the first day. I'm sure that he made up his conditioning drills, though and will not take the day off again. What is not fair are those kids who did not go through the off-season because they can't cut it, yet try to come back when it gets time to play the games. I know that happens in a lot of schools.
  16. Green: There is no doubt that the Bears play hard and practice hard. What the poster was getting at is a fact that a lot of kids who could not make it on the the Mustang squad will quit school at WOS and enroll in LCM.
  17. Hope you aren't referring to me, since I edited my post that said WOS was NOT putting on pads tomorrow. I have now found out that they are, since the UIL just today waived the rule to allow ALL teams to practice in pads tomorrow that were affected by the tropical storm. Feel stupid? Not me. I defended our team and our coaches, who were prepared to follow the rules.
  18. WOS...did you ever get a copy of the highlight tape that has the music with it? It is awesome!!!! THAT would be a great youtube video, too!
  19. I don't think the coaches know about this message. I know they knew the scrimmage was going to be next Saturday, but didn't know about the pads. Hmmmm!
  20. I think you are only allowed so many hours in a day's time....
  21. It was a joke to WOS87, who I know. That's why I put the smiley at the end. Quit wearing your feelings on your sleeves. LOL
  22. And you wonder why we Mustangs get defensive. It's the smart aleck remarks like yours that causes the hard feelings.
  23. Most everyone on here is defensive of their own team. It's just natural.
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