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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. Hey, as long as she doesn't care if you go or not, then there's not a problem! And if she doesn't understand the game, you probably don't want her there anyway, right? BTW, what does the 401k have to do with her going to the ballgames?
  2. LOL...well there you go!!!!
  3. Best of luck, shug! As a graduate of the WOS program, he will be a big help in preparing the kids for the next level! He understands the program. It's a good fit!
  4. LOL Soulja....maybe you need to procrastinate when SHE wants to go somewhere! (Unless you do already and she is the one playing payback!)
  5. Skipper: I am cool with you and all your posts! As I said, I meant no offense to you regarding my statement.
  6. Come on, BBdad! I never implied that LCM students are the only ones to vandalize! I was merely giving an example of vandalism.
  7. Maybe the Indian did "provoke" the Bear, as you say. Hell, the PNG band and the fans provoke the opposing team in every game! I was just trying to ease some of the backlash that is more than likely going to prevail on this thread as soon as the PNG fans read that part, that's all.
  8. Is there a point to an athletic director's position other than a way to justify a higher salary and maybe represent the school at district meetings? AD should be the one hiring/firing coaches (with the help of the personnel director for teaching positions). AD should oversee all programs within the school district to ensure that students are learning the program from the get-go. AD should make sure everyone in every sport is doing his/her job and all programs are being run smoothly.
  9. The PNG fans weren't laughing, Skip!!!! No offense to you, ('cause I think you're cool), but the Indian is revered at PN-G and is not just a "mascot" but a symbol and a leader! They take pride in sending the Indian to learn the correct war dance, etc. and it was taken as a direct attack on the entire school and fan base. Had the bear jumped on a Bulldog or a Mustang, it might have been a different matter, even though WOS would NEVER forget something like that (LOL). It was vandalism, just like the year that the kids from LCM vandalized WOS high school.
  10. LMAO! Maybe some of you ought to explain the game to her. she might like it then!
  11. I think it depends on exactly who the person is named to the AD spot. If they can handle two different jobs, then ok. If not, then give them one position or the other. They MUST be able to maintain the two different applications so that nothing suffers.
  12. Be realistic!!!!
  13. He was red-shirted last year. Should be a starter this year! Have been told that the coaches really like him and his ability!
  14. I read the sign in front of the school across from Summerwood yesterday and it said HS #6. Humble ISD site says there's going to be Fall Creek and Summerwood HS. I think Fall Creek is the Cardinals and they haven't came up with a mascot for Fall Creek. Shows how much I dont know........ Ha I know that they are talking about trying to pass a thirteen cent tax for the schools in Humble to stay in the black. They are between twenty and thirty million in the red. How'd they get that deep? I thought WOS was the only one with bad money managing! LOL
  15. I'll have to try those next time!
  16. That's ok...I get there early. Worse part is the concession stand. Had to stand in line the entire first half last time we were there. They need more people and a bigger stand! LOL...Then I can deal with the bleachers.
  17. Is the utube link one of the above?
  18. As long as they are fine AFTER the WOS scrimmage! LOL....
  19. Don't know if the 6 pm game for WOS/Dayton is firmed up. May be an afternoon game, instead of night game.
  20. lol-they need to run buses, huh?
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