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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. I thought I read somewhere last year that the 3A coaches said NO!!!!
  2. I don't get how we beat Dayton last year and we have returning starters, too, yet aren't mentioned at all! Hmmmmmm! We'll just have to prove them wrong, too! LOL
  3. WOS had to remove 6 one time....made the team better as a whole. It's a hard stand to take, but they gotta know that you say what you mean and you mean what you say!!! Rules are NOT made to be broken!
  4. LCM when WOS plays them. Absolutely no where to park safely when the parking lot is full. You better get there early.
  5. Wasn't that one just last year? ALL of the playoff games keep me on the edge of my seat. Need some Tums before, during and after!
  6. Thanks. Sorry about getting the school wrong.
  7. Or was it one of Willie Ray Smith's sons?
  8. Colvin (?) - lineman from LC.
  9. I don't know about Jasper's teaching load for the coaches but if I am reading the post correctly, they are having the coaches teach 6 classes PLUS "teach" football. Football IS their classroom and that is a shame if they are not allowing the coaches to have an off period (perhaps they are counting their football class as an off period?) Until we get more details, just don't know how to respond to this!
  10. Of course, there ARE two Sam Owens' in town. One was previously a school board member at O'field and the other attends many WOS games.
  11. That IS good news! So good to hear of miracles like that these days!
  12. Very well said, Guru. Just a couple of months ago it was made very public that the superintendent TURNED DOWN an offer of a raise from the school board! He was very proud of that yet no raise was offered to the coaches or teachers. Furthermore, the school board president in March publicly stated that the "district is financially stable at this time" at the groundbreaking of the new elementary. All of a sudden, there's NO MONEY! Perhaps all of it was just a ploy to make the superintendent look good.
  13. How do you think Friday Night Lights came about? LOL. There have always been exaggerations regarding successful football progams.....bottom line is, though, there have been more jealousies that have brought football programs down. Jealousies at WOS stem from way back. A lot of folks didn't like the merger to start with and are determined to bring it down. They don't understand the success of the football program and they do not like it.
  14. teeboan is correct. They come get the balls from the dressing rooms and check them while the refs are in their meetings before the game starts. They make their marks on them there.
  15. What bothers me is, if the kids can see it, WE can see it, the teachers can see it....why can't the administration see it? They are either blind or they just flat out don't care.
  16. Thanks WOS87. Chart shows LCM in the Brownwood area, but may need to show the city limits of Orange for those outsiders who are questioning the population. I think we already had a post that the two schools should merge and maybe that is what should happen!
  17. I stated in an earlier post that there are areas of the city of Orange that the LCM school district incorporates. The city has also just annexed a portion of the Little Cypress area. there are areas SOUTH of the interstate that are in the LCM school district.
  18. LOL. Just checking to make sure we are on the same page.
  19. I'm sure this goes on at alot of Schools, you have to have the right people in charge in the White House. I don't know if your WHite House and my white house are one and the same. The employees in the WOCCISD call their administration building the white house.
  20. Maybe you need to quit smoking those nasty things, Bucster!!!! LOL....
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