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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. Well said, Gasilla. Fact is, there are some in the administration that are so jealous of the football program's success that they are willing to bring it down along with the rest of the district. Some of them can't understand how the football program can get the kids to act right, study, and pass. They don't realize the tradition of the Mustang program. WHY? Because they are outsiders! They are not FROM WOS and instead of building off what the football program does to be successful (making the kids do right), they are jealous and do whatever they can to hurt the program. Coaches WALK players to tutorials. I've heard that the only kids IN tutorials are the football players. Nobody seems to understand how the coaches get the students to cooperate. Who are the adults here? You MUST have discipline within the school or it will fall apart. They are letting kids get away with some things and punishing them for others. If a parent complains, they don't seem to back up the teachers. Kids have threatened teachers and the administration sends them back to class the next day. Until the white house gets enough guts to talk to the teachers to find out what the problems are, or the district finds a new president that can handle the problems, guess what? There are STILL going to be problems. And how right you are, Gasilla....I didn't know Silsbee had a dog in the fight!
  2. Unless you are closely associated with the WOCCISD school district, you have no idea what their focus is. I can assure you that the administration's focus is NOT athletics! Neither is the school board! There are a few on the school board who do support athletics, but there are others who despise the attention that athletics, especially football, gets. The administration is TRYING to focus on academics. Problem is, no one knows what the heck they are doing and the entire district and ALL programs are suffering as a result!
  3. So true, 08, which shows exactly how poor the administration really is.
  4. Congrats, Toby and best wishes during this next football season.
  5. The LCM district lines cross in various places within the city limits. Those who live in the WOS district may have family members that live in the LCM district and they use their address. It is never checked out, but that has been going on for years and as long as they are able to play football, it's ok with LCM.
  6. Nothing wrong with the economy in Orange. With all the plants here....OF and BC have both gained enrollment, with BC now being larger than WOS. LCM has also gained. Money issues may NOT be dictating the TAKS scores but you can bet your bottom dollar that if the money ain't being handled correctly, neither is the other stuff. There ARE solid teachers in the school district. There are solid, veteran teachers LEAVING the district this year. There are teachers teaching out of their field where they are not certified, while other teachers ARE certified and not being able to teach in their field. You have no idea how poor the leadership really is. The counselors can't even tell students how many credits they need. Most other schools have their schedules for the next year but WOS doesn't get theirs until school starts, which creates a major fiasco. Students have been moved from one class to another 4 and 5 weeks into the semester. How the heck are they expected to pass the class? What's up with that? Teachers' hands are tied and the morale is low, but there are teachers who love the kids at WOS and it will rock on, but things are not good. THAT is why the enrollment is dropping.
  7. Hmmmm! Wonder what "negative" means? Did they put those 29 ticket holders next to the drum section?
  8. LOL on coaches being underpaid. I think it has to do with the district being improperly run. People don't want their kids going to school where those in charge don't know how to manage their money, don't know how to discipline the kids in the right way (zero tolerance how about it---quit giving the losers chance after chance after chance while they disrupt those who WANT to learn). Nooooo....some are so worried about the money that they can't manage that they try to keep everybody in school, no matter WHAT the cost. Just don't know when the administration is going to wake up.
  9. I just heard that Toby has officially been hired at WOS....Hypolite and Garrett (QB's) at WOS should be extremely happy. congrats to Coach Foreman and the Mustangs.
  10. Do you KNOW that the guy was from West Orange or are you just assuming that he is? I don't condone those who smoke, drink, have nice "rims" and then ask for welfare. You and buc fan are blind and prejudiced if you think ALL "poor" people are that way and/or that there is an overabundance of that at WOS. You should have told the guy to go sell his rims to get his child some food. Enough said. I am through with this conversation. I have NOT said that there AREN'T kids at WOS that have cell phones, blah, blah. I have said that there are a lot that cannot pay to play!!!! Some of you can stereotype if you want, but unless you are involved in the kids' lives who attend and play football at WOS.......shutup.
  11. I took it wrong because you tried to imply that there were NO poor students/players at WOS....then you went and did your research thing. How else was I to take it? There was sarcasm in some of your posts.... I'm not trying to be difficult either....just very passionate when I feel strongly about something.
  12. Are you confusing wos with pam? Come on its not like WOS is poorville or somthin. Come on, Buc.....what the flip do you know about WOS? Your posts show you know nothing!!!! There are football players (as well as other students) who have nothing. Teachers and coaches have passed on clothing to the kids and those kids are proud to get it. Average income for this area (I randomly looked at about 5 towns including winnie beaumont lumberton and port arthur representing what most would consider both poor and not so poor towns) and it was about 33,300 average yearly income per job in each household...west orange was 29,300 which is less but not much less than the rest. Your information doesn't tell the whole story and if you believe that it does, then something's wrong with you. Don't you dare sit behind your computer and pretend that your statistics and information that you put together tell you what you need to know about the kids at WOS. You need to take a drive on the east side of 16th street to get the real picture. I'm not saying that all of the kids live in poor neighborhoods; I'm saying that there ARE poor kids in the WOCCISD. There are some kids that still live in the district whose parents have good jobs at the plants and those parents were Mustangs and they want their kids to be Mustangs. But make no mistake, there are poverty-level residents....
  13. Now you know this post is wrong on so many standards.....
  14. Are you confusing wos with pam? Come on its not like WOS is poorville or somthin. Come on, Buc.....what the flip do you know about WOS? Your posts show you know nothing!!!! There are football players (as well as other students) who have nothing. Teachers and coaches have passed on clothing to the kids and those kids are proud to get it.
  15. If nerves WERE touched, then perhaps they will learn from what was posted and realize that changes MUST be made or the future is dim. Maybe they'll realize how low morale really is within the entire district and make things right. Ask the teachers and para professionals.....one on one. And don't threaten their jobs or make them feel like something is going to happen to them if they tell the truth. Otherwise, keep the dissention and disappearing act with the money and the problem will solve itself with the merger of the two districts.
  16. Some nerves must have been touched regarding the WOS/LCM merger because I can't find the thread anywhere. If nerves were touched, then they must be guilty!!!!
  17. That's what the constiuents in the WOCCISD need to do. We need to ALL get together, write up a list and present it to the board.
  18. I don't know how it is at East Chambers, but there are kids at WOS that are POOR and don't have ANYTHING...cell phone, pagers, or otherwise. THAT is what the jest of the conversation is about...the kids who DON'T have it.
  19. I have heard that he is VERY excited to be on the football team!!!
  20. When teachers are worried that their school district might not be able to make payroll, then the district dang well better be run like a business!!!! It IS a business and needs intelligent people running it or it will go down in flames.....
  21. I just find this appalling! Schools are a BUSINESS! They have budgets and reports just like other businesses. If you can't get your budget correct, then fire the person who is in charge of it and get someone who can run it correctly. You KNOW what your expenditures are from the get-go and what your tax base is. How can you mismanage the money so much that you end up having to charge the athletes to participate when you didn't have to charge them before? If that happens at WOS, there won't be any athletic teams because most of the kids can't AFFORD to pay. They'll either drop out of school or move on down the road.
  22. The Golden Triangle is an area of extreme Southeast Texas near the Louisiana border. The "triangle" is formed by Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Orange, which are the largest cities in the area. The "golden" refers to the wealth that came from the Spindletop oil strike near Beaumont in 1901. In an attempt to distance the area from the petrochemical industry, some area interests attempted to rename the Golden Triangle the "Triplex." This name change did not catch on, and area residents still refer to it as the Golden Triangle. Some residents of the Golden Triangle do not refer to the Greater Houston area as being part of Southeast Texas and place the western boundary of the region roughly at the Trinity River. The area holds the annual South Texas State Fair in Beaumont. If I'm not mistaken, Dayton and BH is on the Western side of the Trinity. It's good to see that I'm not the only one that may have been baffled by this. Good post. I, too, do not necessarily consider Houston as SE Texas. I consider them as the Houston area!!! LOL
  23. I'm thinking that I heard he has a couple of boys coming up in the program...may be 7th or 8th grade now? Will have to find out.....
  24. Right game, wrong player...Quentin Tezeno, 1987. 28-21, I think....
  25. WOS has EIGHT returning on defense. That speaks volumes!!!!
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