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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. It's hard to put much stock in their predictions after last year. They didn't pick WOS to even WIN district.....It's okay, though. I like proving them wrong.
  2. I didn't mean to imply that I think that the football program funds the school district. My implications are merely to mention that the football program brings in quite a revenue at WOS, but the football program budget has been cut every single year since the state championship years. The money goes into the general fund and is split among ALL the programs. Regardless of that, WOCCISD seems to be having a problem COUNTING in general or someone has their hand in the cookie jar. Go figure how a school district that gives millions of dollars away each year because of it's supposedly high revenue is 6 million dollars in deficit. Somebody somewhere has made a substantial error yet nobody seems to be taking the blame. We've changed business managers like normal people change underwear and no one seems to be able to find where the heck the money went. It seems to disappear with each person that comes in. Announcements were made that non-mandatory activities over the summer are cancelled. Who decides what is mandatory? What about professional growth? A lot of times, school boards take what administrators say at face value. Unless there are questions and in-depth auditing, what good are they? If they are scared to ask questions, or don't know the questions to ask, then we definitely need to find some other system of checks and balances over the school district administrators, cause something ain't right.
  3. That's true, Purple. But when a football program has carried the bulk of the general fund for years and years and years and then there is mishandling of the funds....well, then, students AND teachers lose. It seems like it's ok with everybody, too. Noone gets in trouble when money is missing...if one of the companies on chemical row were run by some of the people running this district, someone would be FIRED!!!!! Teachers can't say anything for fear of being fired....or reassigned! It's sad to see such a former mighty and proud school be crumbling to a pile of rubble because of incompetent people at the reins. So sad.....
  4. I think the constiuents of the WOCCISD should take another look at those entrusted on the board and in the administration. It does not look good for the future of the district. Poor, poor leadership, and bad decisions. How are there so many financial errors in a district that was once considered one of the richest in the state? Now they are 6 mil in debt? Something stinks in the state of Denmark....
  5. One of the problems was that the other sports might want to change to the schedule as well? Well, why NOT? If they are going to do it in football, then don't the baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, tennis,etc. sports deserve the same "break"? I don't like it at all. It just looks to me like they are creating a way for teams that never get in the playoffs an opportunity to make the playoffs, no matter how bad they are. I agree that there is a problem with the way things are now, but this is not the "fix".
  6. Because the fans from WOS will NEVER forget 1992, but try not to mention it because it stirs up bad feelings. We even had a t-shirt "Remember '92" Reasons why: and it listed the schools.
  7. "You don't have to worry about him gettin' anybody pregnant....he's too lazy."
  8. Good luck Mustangs! Bring home the gold.
  9. Those were three good ones right there.....You have to admit...sometimes WOS just leaves us biting our nails and exhilirated at the win.
  10. Best game was WOS/Jasper in 1987!!!! 3-0 game won by WOS in last 51 seconds of the game. WOS went undefeated that year. Hard-nosed football the entire game.
  11. So true, '82, but the thread didn't ask for classification....just asked for teams. Gone are the days for a WB vs. WOS game, unless WOS gets some sort of weird influx of people moving into the area (not likely), or WB loses a thousand (not likely either). P.S. WB was scary when we played. Always seemed to have huge players and playmakers. Much respect.
  12. whatever! Hmmm....is Central on our schedule? Lemme check.
  13. How many times have you seen LM our kids play at a level that has made us one of the best programs in this state.What wrong with that.You on the outside looking in don't know.Do you think Katy and Southlake attitude is any different.You have to have a certain attitude to get a edge in sports.And Westend1 SETX is in Texas and I keep up with all FB not just in my area.And you need to be more rounded and check it all. I am not commenting on Katy and Southlake because they are not mentioned on this thread and they are NOT in this area. Furthermore, we have not played either one, so I don't know if they disrespect the other teams' fans or not....I am not concerned with that. YOU brought the subject up and I added to it, that's all. LM has had some GREAT teams over the years, I will not deny that. I am NOT denying that. But to come on here and bolster support for them being the most feared in this area? I think not and others have agreed. For you to get all bent out of shape because someone disagreed with you is just silly. We can argue all we want over a website but that doesn't change what people think about LM and its' players or fans. There are people out there that don't like WOS or WOS' fans either and I respect their opinion. There are some that don't fear WOS and that's ok, too. The question with some on this thread was not necessarily that LM was feared, but that the team does not belong to THIS THREAD. Period.
  14. The work that goes into Texas High School football....from the discipline to academics (no pass, no play), from weak and timid to strong and intimidating....from seeing those who can't tie their own shoestrings at the beginning to seeing them perform daring catches or hard-hitting stops on the goal-line. It's yelling for your kid or your team or your favorite colors (blue and sliver, for me)....the thrill of victory and the competitiveness of a kid that no one thought he had it in him. Didn't mention defeat...I'm a sore loser! LOL
  15. There are GREAT coaches at WOS! (And other schools as well) Some are assistants and are REQUIRED to follow the lead of those in charge. To minimize them by calling them "yes men" is degrading and offensive. To say that they aren't good coaches is just plain ignorant. Some may not be ready for leadership yet, but that does not mean that they are not good coaches. Besides, this is a thread about D'ville, not WOS coaches and whether or not YOU think they are "worth a hill of beans."
  16. Finally announced. Congrats to Tim. Looking forward to seeing you play!
  17. We could start a thread about "10 things I hate about LaMarque". I could find a few myself. Their attitude...their disrespect (how they walk in front of the other teams' stands before the game); but then, people will start up again about how WOS runs to the middle of the field, no matter whose stadium they are in. Regardless, maybe we should just rename this thread, "Who is the Most Feared Team in the Golden Triangle, and the surrounding area east of Baytown."
  18. I'm hoping that the chain gang at WOS will be in their finest form this fall. Aren't there about 8 coming back?
  19. Well, we dont see it happening anytime soon. The city of Orange is being very difficult to communicate with. Its like they dont want us to play. Go figure. thats pretty typical of them. They are more concerned with economic growth than their citizens. : You'd think that the more activities there are for people to do, the more attraction it would have. Duhhh! The softball league here used to be awesome and then it slowly died away as some of us got older.......
  20. Congrats to you, Coop, and to the football fans in Texas for another venue!!!
  21. Congrats to the Stangs!!! Great job!
  22. OH BOY, here we go. Quit typing right now and go clean that State Championship sign from the 80's...... : : Don't hate, BH....Maybe your "rebuilding year" will be good for you.
  23. There are just as many egos on the BH sideline as there are anywhere else in the state.
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