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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. Read the couple of posts before this one....he knows.... And now everyone will know.....
  2. Yes, it is. Let's just take care of our business this Friday night.
  3. I heard that the OF HC made the statement that Giddings had contacted him about OF "trying out" a few plays to see how WOS handles it. Then OF gave Giddings the scouting report. Giddings tried out some of the same sets that OF had done (and OF had not used the set before the WOS game), so it's pretty much BOTH teams going against WOS at the same time. Granted, personnel is different on the teams, but OF HC must have a "friend" at Giddings or he just really hates WOS.
  4. Yep. Maybe the players need to know this.
  5. But he has the audacity to call WOS fans the "worst", yet he fails to realize why some of us talk the way we do. We love our Mustangs and are very protective against those who would do them wrong. OF is so jealous they are willing to help outsiders beat us. It's one thing to try to get information from someone on us. It's another to GIVE OUT info to our opponent.
  6. I like both Conroe and Sam Houston. Both of those stadiums are so much easier to get to than anywhere in Houston.
  7. Sorry. Can't help you there. You won't beat WOS and you'll never get the chance to play Giddings. But good luck feeding them information again against us like ya'll did last year.
  8. Hey Bleed---OF been conversing with Giddings on how to play against us?
  9. Will OF run their unbalanced set just like Giddings did against us last year? Or will they run the double-wing option like Giddings?
  10. Nothing is firmed up yet regarding Deer Park stadium for the 'Stangs. Gotta wait on Cleveland.
  11. I think the upset for week 9 is the post "Disrepectful . . . " Oh...we're talking about games, huh? LOL--just trying to make somebody laugh!
  12. 3A better look out for Brownwood, too!
  13. Whatever, dude. WOS fans have said that they don't think it's disrespectful so that's that! You think it is. Ok. You made your opinion known over and over-we ALL heard it. I'm superstitious. I don't think we need to change a thing this year....or next year....or the year after.
  14. I haven't been on long enough to experience Kvilleballa. I'll have to go find a post and see what Karma they have.
  15. Sorry, I thought you were giving him Karma. LOL! It is funny!
  16. Hey, Hey, Hey...That's not fair now....I DID say that I thought PNG should be over Ned in the rankings 'cause PNG beat Ned. Does that count for anything? LOL
  17. Bottom line is...Ned has LOST a game and PNG has lost a game and NED's game was LOST to PNG. That's all I was mentioning. I don't care one way or the other, I was just curious.
  18. The turf would be awesome.
  19. Just so everybody knows....WOS has NEVER danced up and down on the opponents' logo after the game. They go shake hands like they're supposed to.
  20. I think it was build as one, join as one or something like that. We need a thread for mottos now.....
  21. Isn't that weird? I thought that because I am a fan of WOS, I was getting negative vibes. Wait...I typed those three letters. Darnit!
  22. BOJO NO MO' I'm just kidding...just trying to be funny tonight.
  23. Orignally heard WOS was 720. Heard tonight it is under 700,
  24. PNG's is a great fight song. I like hearing ours too except that it gets screwed up somewhere along the way and somehow everybody gets off beat clapping and well.....it's fun and funny!
  25. I'm thinking that the opposing team will need to run a play AROUND the logo unless it's home field! Let's not stomp on someone's ego...I mean logo.
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