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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. They cannot play on two different nights in one week. It is okay for them to play in two games on one night.
  2. I agree, tam...If we were to go back and look at the posts before the season started, and look at Dave Campbell's mag, it stated that 213A was one of the toughest districts in the state, so I don't know where all of this "weak" stuff is coming from all of a sudden unless it's some jealousy crap getting started. I think Jasper is the toughest team we have played so far, even though the score may not reflect that. HF held us closer than Jasper, but they were not nearly as tough as Jasper, IMO. That said, there are some good teams in our district and it's a bunch of baloney that people are now trying to say it is weak. Just doesn't make sense to me...
  3. We have thrown the ball this year. We either overthrow or we drop it. I think the coaches at this point are calling a good game. They, of course, are not responsible for lack of execution. The score would have not even been close if we hadn't had a couple of bad snaps, blocked punt,....Coaches didn't call that play. My point is, what we are doing is working. If Hypo can get a little better touch on his release, we will be able to connect the long pass and really be dangerous. I understand what you are saying about the short pass, but didn't see that we needed it last night. Running game was awesome and if that is working, it's less likely to cause turnovers. I know that we had a couple of fumbles, but when you take the ball out of someone's hands, (putting it in the air, etc.), there's more chance for something to go wrong. Just my opinion, though....I don't necessarily see the game the same as everybody else, I realize that as well. I'm just so proud of the Mustangs for their fight last night. They NEVER quit!!!!
  4. WOS sends Jasper to the Dog Pound--- Referees head back to officiating school....
  5. Giddings 21 Caldwell 7
  6. WOS is number 8. Caldwell was number 10. Giddings knocked them off last night.
  7. Hey 92, go a little easier on our boys, would ya? Think about that one loss...we missed Monday's practice because we were playing a Saturday game. They practiced Tues and Wednesday but didn't practice Thursday and only had a light workout on Friday. (Keep in mind that we didn't have school, so there weren't any team period practices in the middle of the day like we normally have.) I'd like to re-play Bay City right now. Guarantee you we come out the victors, but to continue to say that we haven't "dominated" because we lost an extremely close ballgame to Bay City is kind of unfair, IMO. I'm not trying to make excuses, but facts are facts and the fact is, Bay City had more time to prepare for us than we did for them. I think we did pretty darn good for basically no practice. Add it up, it's four or five workouts that were missed that week.
  8. Regarding a "wannabe" athlete: "Last time he had a jock strap on was at the senior prom."
  9. Who's your daddy?
  10. Not too bad, but they need some work.... #20 was hard for them to bring down. He was huge. Heard he was on Jasper's varsity earlier in the year. Don't know why he dropped down, he looked pretty tough running and to hang on to. They didn't score, though, and that was the important thing. Their defense was not good at all.
  11. Well, I got a good laugh out of it, so there's definitely no harm done. LOL
  12. Final score tonight WOS 14 Jasper 0 Jasper's #20 (I don't know what classification he is) is much a player and will definitely be someone to look at next year.
  13. LOL - Do ya think they got "staff" or staph? That could very well be a malaprop......little play on words there...
  14. It was my understanding that all of the schools in Orange County had been approached and only LCM and WOS were interested at this time. I went to the initial meeting at the CC.
  15. 1987, Tully Stadium, Houston. WOS vs Wharton. It was so incredibly cold. I didn't know it even got that cold down here. Everything was frozen, especially Wharton. We had them backed up so far one time, it was like 4th and 49! We won big that game....the only thing that made it worthwhile. I did not have a sleeping bag at that game. I have had one ever since. It stays in the vehicle during football season. I have never been that cold since then, either (maybe because I am better prepared, I dunno)
  16. "He wouldn't say doo-doo if he had a mouth full of it". "He couldn't spell his name with a rubber stamp". "You can stick a fork in them, they're done."
  17. They will not move up or down, nor will they be in a district different than WOS. The realignment numbers show them to have more students than WOS. If Jasper and Silsbee stay in the disrict, they will still be the two largest schools, then BC then WOS.
  18. They don't mind gettin' our athletes either, do they?
  19. I was a kid once, too, WOS08 and I realize what you are saying. It's just that when you become a parent, you realize how your own parents must have felt....there is nothing more important than your own child. There is no love greater than what you feel for your child...and you only want the best for them, you want them safe, and you want them to be a better person than you. The worry that parents have is unbelievable. I truly believe that there is noone closer to God than a parent because they are constantly praying for the safety and guidance of their child. I pray that you will be safe in your endeavors, WOS8.
  20. Is the 200 just juniors? I mean, that's really a pretty good sized class. I'm very surprised to hear that number.
  21. Well, we all know that there has been a problem for years with kids going from one school to the next with no apparent recourses. I love WOS. I love blue and silver and I love the Mustangs. But I have been afraid that our school district is losing so much enrollment....However, kicker has said that the small grades are building up and who knows.....maybe we don't need to merge after all. I was totally against it 10 years ago. Couldn't see a need for it and I think LCM was struggling financially. Now that we've given all our money to BC.....(we'll see what kind of a roar that brings)
  22. I know that when my daughter was a senior, I found out that she and her prom date were going to someone's house whose parents were going to allow drinking. I was furious. Those parents had no right to serve alcohol to my child without my knowledge. They were being responsible parents by taking the keys away from anyone who did drink. Here's the thing...my daughter had only two months before, a serious case of mono-she had to be hospitalized. Had I not found out about the situation and threatened my daughter within an inch of her life, she could have ingested a small amount of alcohol that could have further damaged her already vulnerable liver and who knows what would have happened? How do parents allow themselves to be put in a situation where they are responsible for someone else's child? I never understood that.
  23. The silver helmet will never change. It is a tradition and means something to the players. It is seeped deep into the generations of future Mustangs....when you get a silver helmet, you have made the "show".
  24. I have heard that our 8th grade team has linemen and our 9th grade team has a phenomenal QB. I only hope that the kids stay in our school district. It seems that they leave in Jr. High. We have some outstanding high school teachers. If the administration doesn't change, I'm afraid a lot will leave, including coaches. I don't know any of this for a fact, only have heard people talk. I did see the numbers turned in for realignment next year, though, and we are less than BC. However, if the Inspire 12 comes through like they promised, I believe there will be an increase in our school district. Whether we will ever have enough to go back to 4A or not, I don't know. I hope I don't get hammered for this, but I wouldn't mind WOS and LCM merging and have a super school. A part of me would like to see that and another part would miss the WOS.....I love the silver and blue. Of course, I'm sure that's how West Orange and Stark felt before they merged. I guess we could start a thread for that, huh? Out of curiousity?
  25. And next year, we will be number 4 if the alignment stays the same. Bridge City now has more students than us!
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