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Everything posted by stangchain

  1. I think you are wrong, Cane. Hooks WANTS to play. I personally think that we need to inflict the forfeit....we are too nice sometimes and then invariably get dumped on. Remember '92? It really doesn't matter about who agreed to what. The LCM coaching staff will continuously put out the word that both teams agreed on it and SOME of their fans will be satisfied and try to take up for them. I think most know the real score. All of you who know Dan Hooks knows that he will play the game tomorrow night if LCM agreed to it.
  2. Maybe that forfeit thing isn't over yet!!!! The truth will certainly come out!
  3. This was discussed on another thread! It has nothing to do with LCM cancelling the game this week.
  4. Watch that "A" word sneaky....And "quit next week?" Their coach quit them THIS week!!!! What kind of leadership is that?
  5. Look Sneakysnake...it's obvious by the number of posts you have made that you were sent here to quell the rumors and/or comments that fans are making. We understand that. But to try to give us some lame excuses is just pointless. NOONE needs the band, drill team, or even FANS to play a football game. I will agree that refs are needed (somewhat...lol), but the refs are set for the game and I'm sure they are disappointed to hear that their game got cancelled because LCM didn't feel like playing it, whatever the reason you may try to say it is!
  6. Too funny, Scooter!!!! I don't think we ought to take those boards down from the windows just yet!!!
  7. EXACTLY!!!! Then why did he cancel it?
  8. Then why don't they play, Casual? You seem to know a lot....why the cancellation? BTW...I think the off-season is the opportunity to work on little things that each opponent does. If the off-season is not utilized in that way, then perhaps someone needs to rethink how their off-season is run. I'm not pointing the finger at any one school in partiular....just making a general comment to say that I think WOS has worked on the little things. I could be wrong.....
  9. No, you look. No coach preps for the 1st game all fall camp, you work on it the first week or so. GET REAL!, they prep for two scrimages before they even thought about WOS. Oh, I see now. The scrimmages were much more important than the regular season game, right? Baloney! YOU get real! LCM plays WOS harder than they play any other school. I've heard it said from MANY people...."If we only win ONE game this year, I hope it's against WOS". Don't tell me they don't prepare for WOS!!!!
  10. I remember when we utilized a TE with Jason Taylor back in the late 90's. Seems like we beat Ned then utilizing him. he made several key catches for us in an exciting win over at the dog pound! That's when I noticed that barking dog for the first time.
  11. Look, casual, he's had all summer to prepare for the WOS/LCM game since it is his FIRST game! That two day prep is not cutting it with some of us!!!!
  12. Ahhhh.....those were the days, huh? LOL Don't have one of the winning fg against BC? THAT was a classic b'day present for you!
  13. Perhaps the players and fans should call the school board and super to voice their opinion about the game being cancelled. If they don't want to play the game, then the HC will take the rap for it!!!!
  14. LOL. That picture needs to go on the "caption" thread down in the locker room box! There could be many captions for that pic!
  15. Oh, I see. So the Dayton/Jasper game is a reality?
  16. Thank you. I agree! There aren't enough excuses! (not any that make any sense, anyway!)
  17. LCM76....call your coach and tell him you need to play!!!!
  18. And just to put it in perspective, LCM had an open week last week, therefore they have had more time to prepare for WOS than WOS has to prepare for them. They SHOULD be ready to go. Why aren't they wanting to play then?
  19. Wouldn't Dayton then have to cancel one of their other games? They would have played 11 regular games instead of 10 if they play Jasper on the 12th. As far as I know, the Dayton/F'wood game is still on for this week.
  20. From what I have read, isn't Dayton playing Friendswood? They aren't open until the 12th.
  21. What? ??? ??? ??? Both schools don't have to come to the same conclusion. All it takes is for ONE to back out. WOS wants to play. The game needs to be played. For it to be on KOGT, word has been received that it has been cancelled.
  22. I think it's ridiculous! We didn't get much of anything from Gustav.
  23. Just my opinion, but there's no reason why WOS/LCM can't play on Saturday. Everybody will be back in town on Wednesday and the game should go on.
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