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Everything posted by WestBay

  1. It's punishment. Long Live Gene Walkoviac ! ! ! (As Long as He Lives In NEWTON ! ! !)
  2. Newton will play WOS, no problem, get's us ready for the play-offs. But, don't start talking smack mrs. lcm. Don't let your mouth overload your teams ability. I don't think the cubs want any of what NEWTON has.
  3. He dodged a loss ! Like I said, must be living right ! (don't get upset, just making light of the event)
  4. 6-0 Yes But, only when its convenient for Hooks. WOS let a little thing like Rita get in the way of a definent WIN for the Eagles. Then the next year, another storm. Hooks dodged two definent losses. This might be the only time you here this, "Dan Ray was living right."
  5. Dan Ray = 2nd Best Curtis Barbay Jr. = BEST
  6. All of the players you named were real good football players, but I feel you missed a few. Here is my Newton Eagle Top 10 1. Jimmy Walker - UT 2. Anthony Byerly - UT 3. Greg Gatson - Arkansas 4. James Rollins - Lamar 5. James McLamore 6. Kevin Dean - TCU - San Fran 7. Will Gulley - U.H. 8. Tommy Gatson 9. Micheal Byerly 10. Todd Pendland - McNeese Honorable Mention - Moose Dickerson - Lamar Frosty Kimes Nick Foster Rod Gulley - McNeese Trey Bennett - McNeese Bryan Smith - McNeese Bryan Foster - McNeese Ceaser Brooks - McNeese And many more Great H.S. football players All played for the Greatest Football Coach in Southeast Texas
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