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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. We are talking about what happened last year and how they should be ranked this year. As for as the game last year, I've stated before that the way PNG's defense was playing, it would not have mattered if they had those 2 RB's playing or anyone else for that matter. PNG also beat Austin LBJ and Marshal which they should not have beaten. Against LBJ, Marshal and LH, it was better coaching that got PNG past those games.
  2. I'm sure the PNG faithful would agree: It's not how you start -- it's how you finish!
  3. Professional basketball player dies of heart attack -- previously blamed Covid vaccine for myocarditis! [Hidden Content]
  4. I understand now that the judge can tell them to go back and redo the plea deal. Or, the judge can tell them that this case will now go to trial. To show that justice is blind, the only right thing to do is go to trial!
  5. Report: Photos on Hunter Biden’s Laptop Place Him at Father’s Home on Day He Texted Chinese Business Partner! [Hidden Content] @CardinalBacker @DonTheCon2024
  6. Senate Report: Biden Business Received $5.1M Within 10 Days of Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp Text While ‘Sitting’ Next to Dad! [Hidden Content] @UT alum @DonTheCon2024 @CardinalBacker
  7. Modern day liberal confusion!! [Hidden Content] @UT alum @Big girl @DonTheCon2024
  8. Curious: Can a homeless person ever be put under house arrest? 🤷‍♂️😏
  9. As well as they should. Just another one of the Demoncrats scams! [Hidden Content]
  10. Black North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Endorses Trump for 2024 – Crowd Goes Wild!! [Hidden Content]
  11. H. biden's date to sign the plea deal is July 26. I heard a civil rights attorney, Leo Terrell, say the judge that he'll be appearing in front of "DOES NOT" have to accept the plea deal. Now, Leo didn't expand on what would happen next if the judge does decline the plea deal. If we still have actual equal justice for all in this country the judge will not accept this shady plea deal! Going to be interesting to see what happens!
  12. Why? Because — the CIA, the Mafia and LBJ! They all had motives!
  13. Who are the ones above PNG?
  14. Do you deny that there's a laptop?
  15. Far-Left CNN Stopped Fact-Checking Joe Biden (Until Someone Noticed)! And we have some here use CNN as a source! LOL! [Hidden Content]
  16. Strength in Numbers: Pennsylvania GOP Endorsements Delivered for Donald Trump! [Hidden Content]
  17. Peter Schweizer: James Comer’s Probe Will Lead ‘Directly to Joe Biden’s Doorstep’! What's also interesting is, is that H. Biden had a tax bill of, I think, of 1.2 Million Dollars. You think you or I would get a hand slap on the wrist for this?! Anyway, the point I'm leading to is: Why didn't they ask him, or find out, were he got the money to have that kind of tax bill? Oh, and BTW, his lawyer said the prosecutors never asked to open his lap top from hell. I wonder why?! [Hidden Content]
  18. Confermation of 2 different things we aready knew: 1) Hillarious Clinton is a crook! 2) Donald Trump 100% innocent! Communist Stalin's head of secret police, Lavrentiy Beria said: "Show Me The Man And I Will Show You The Crime!" Again, it's amazing how the present day Demoncrat party's thoughts parallel the communist philosophy in more ways than one! SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  19. AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes! [Hidden Content] @Big girl @UT alum @DonTheCon2024 @CardinalBacker What say you?!
  20. If it wasn't so late in the year when they pulled the plug, I think what you say would have some merit. McQuires failures on the field, if this was the ultimate problem, could have, should have, been dealt with right after football season ended. But waiting until the last week of the school year has to lend credence to the fact that it may have been the outside activity that finally got him. But, you are right, though, they would have been justified pulling the plug because of his on-field performance.
  21. France -- keep them coming! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  22. Trump: I Didn’t Show Any Secret Documents to Anyone, Those Were Articles! From the article: "President Donald Trump responded to claims in the federal indictment of him that he showed a secret document to other people by stating that there wasn’t any document “These were newspaper stories, magazine stories, and articles.” And that while he couldn’t declassify things while he was out of office, “There was nothing to declassify.” He added, “When I said that I couldn’t declassify it now, that’s because I wasn’t President. I never made any bones about that. When I’m not President, I can’t declassify. … But that wasn’t a document. Bret, there was no document. That was a massive amount of papers and everything else, talking about Iran and other things. And it may have been held up or it may not. But that was not a document. I didn’t have a document per se. There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories, and articles.” Earlier in the interview, he stated that he didn’t have any Iran war plans, “that I know of. But everything was declassified.”" Witch Hunt! PS -- It is my understanding that there are not any criminal penalties associated with the Presidential Records Act. [Hidden Content]
  23. Big girl, what do you think of RFK, Jr?
  24. Federal charges files against H. Biden on multiple tax counts, gun violation. So -- why are the Feds ignoring the big crimes?! You are comparing President Trump with an evil crackhead, well, you are smarter than that. Trump is 100% innocent and Biden (both) are 100% guilty. THAT is the difference!! [Hidden Content] Also: Turley on Hunter Biden Plea Deal: ‘This Is Going to Look Like You Ticketed the Getaway Driver After a Bank Robbery’! [Hidden Content]
  25. Trump to Bret Baier in New Interview: 'Everything Was Declassified; I Had the Right to Declassify'! [Hidden Content]
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