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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I heard Tennessee doesn't do inspections and there hasn't been any increase in problems from what I've heard.
  2. Never-Before-Seen J6 Footage Shows Pelosi & Daughter Turning Escape Route Into a Hollywood Movie Set! I wonder why this was never shown by the Demoncrats?! [Hidden Content]
  3. Ted Nugent said: "When you are told that mining coal is bad, but mining copper, lithium, cobalt and nickle is good, you know you are being conned!"
  4. Target in free fall: Retail giant's stock is downgraded by JPMorgan after $14 BILLION is wiped off its value in two weeks two weeks amid backlash over its Pride 'tuck-friendly' swimwear range! Stock has dropped 9 days in a row! Go Devil -- Go Broke! [Hidden Content]
  5. So, what happened? Why didn’t he go to Nederland?
  6. From what I've gathered so far, is that Trump feels it needs to brought to the Supreme Court and ruled on. As I see it, the original intent has been perverted. One example I heard talked about: People from China coming over, having their baby and immediately leaving with a U.S. Birth Certificate. Anyone actually think this would fall under the 14th Amendment as original intent? I would like to see a ruling on it.
  7. Thoughts on the new WB hire?! I've isolated a few but would like to hear from anyone! @KF89 @bulldawg64 @navydawg31 @spidersal @dme1111 @jake94 @NHSBulldogFan @BigDawg99
  8. SMH! 🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Trump Campaign Launches Ballot Harvesting Fundraising Push! [Hidden Content]
  10. A new report from Maricopa County in response to a request from Maricopa County Republican Committee committeeman Tristan Manos has revealed that 4,484 ballots in the 2020 election were cast without definitive proof of U.S. citizenship. [Hidden Content]
  11. What crime has he supposedly committed? If I remember right, he was overwhelmingly re-elected last election.
  12. Remind us again -- who runs this city? [Hidden Content] @Big girl @UT alum @DonTheCon2024 @Boyz N Da Hood
  13. I would think that the parents of the incoming seniors would approach the school board and Super and let them know that this should be opened up state wide to see if a decent coach would be interested. But you are right, making a snap decision like this is screwing the kids. Heck, Crosby got a decent coach at the last minute. So, you never know until you try.
  14. Now that's a thought. Is the Super listening?!
  15. “A machine like this is required to move 500 tons of earth/ ore which will be refined into one lithium car battery. It burns 900-1000 gallons of fuel in a 12-hour shift. Lithium is refined from ore using sulfuric acid. The proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada is estimated to require up to 75 semi-loads of sulfuric acid a day.! The acid does not turn into unicorn food as AOC believes. Refining lithium has created several EPA SUPERFUND SITES. IT IS VERY TOXIC TO THE ENVIRONMENT.! A battery in an electric car, let’s say an average Tesla, is made of: 25 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds of cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic, etc.... averaging 750-1,000 pounds of minerals, that had to be mined and processed into a battery that merely stores electricity.... Electricity which is generated by oil, gas, coal, or water ( and a tiny fraction of wind and solar ).... That is the truth, about the lie, of "green" energy. There’s nothing green about the "Green New Deal". You people better learn how to vote or this nonsense will continue to flow down on top of you from the throne of government upon of which you put these people. Stop drinking the Green New Deal’s sulfuric acid Kool-Aid.! Dr. Phillip A. Fields University of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama
  16. When Will the NAALCP Communist Front Group Issue a Travel Advisory for Chicago? [Hidden Content]
  17. Hummmm. Getting rid of a coach on the last couple of days or weeks of school sounds awful strange. So, what's the lowdown on this? Did something recently happen? Otherwise they could have got rid of him months ago because of performance.
  18. I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said!
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