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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing! [Hidden Content]
  2. America First Legal Lawsuit Against the Department of State Obtains Documents from the Global Engagement Center Exposing How “Private” Media Organizations Carry Out State Propaganda! The government can't legally use propaganda and censor so they get private companies to do it. We now know for sure because of the Twitter files that were released. Facebook and Youtube also engage in censorship. Just found out Linkedin has joined censorship devils. Link below. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. As JoeBama fails, the Trump years look better and better. If one is honest, one would have to agree with this!
  4. This topic is in general reference to the Anahuac coach and reportedly good athletic son. Curious of the opinion's of others here: Given that the son, any coach's son, has the potential at being a great QB, should the Father/Coach find a coaching opening where his son will get the best possible training? And then once the son graduates then the coach find what he wants? For instance, if receivers job came open at Westlake under Todd Dodge, would it be wise to take that job for 3 years and Dodge train his son knowing Dodge's history at developing QB's? Or, should the coach do what's best for himself at the time and what ever happens to the son just happens whether it's good or bad? Thoughts?!
  5. NY judge sets President Trump's "trial" in the middle of the Republican primary. Election interference? And, again, it's in New York. [Hidden Content]
  6. One word -- BOYCOTT!! [Hidden Content]
  7. @Big girl @UT alum @DonTheCon2024 @Bobcat1 @Boyz N Da Hood Thoughts?!
  8. Dem Strategist Says Florida is Becoming a ‘Terrorist State’ But That Didn’t Stop Her From Spending Spring Break There! LOL! Mentally ill Dems also showing their typical hypocrisy! [Hidden Content]
  9. @CardinalBacker @DonTheCon2024
  10. PLEASE don't tell us Nederland is looking to Westbrook for answers!
  11. Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows AT LEAST 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds! Pretty much what we figured was going to happen. This will have to go to the Supreme Court. [Hidden Content]
  12. Black Students Have Been Abandoned—But Not By DeSantis. By Politicking Posers Like the NAALCP! [Hidden Content]
  13. The devil has these people, pure and simple! [Hidden Content]
  14. Guess Where He Lives?!?! LOL!! If you want a sign that this organization has went down the hole of irrelevancy then bingo, you got it!! [Hidden Content]
  15. Biden, Obama, FBI, DOJ, CIA Conspiring ‘Right in Front of Us’! [Hidden Content]
  16. Oh, this I gotta hear!
  17. Stunning! Kari Lake Reveals Maricopa Had 99 Signature Validators Who Could Work from Home, Alone, Unsupervised, Behind Closed Doors – At Least 250,000 Ballots in Question! [Hidden Content]
  18. Vaccines cause autism. Nearly all the world's autism experts know it. They just can't talk about it. [Hidden Content]
  19. Same defensive coaches?
  20. 51 People Who Should Never Have Clearances Again! Thoughts?! [Hidden Content]
  21. Yobama needs to be subpoenaed to testify before congress. We may have treason in the making! [Hidden Content]
  22. From the article: "There has long been speculation that Jeffrey Epstein acquired much of his murky fortune and influence through a sophisticated blackmail operation, but there has been no solid evidence reported in support of this theory. Until today. The Wall Street Journal is out mid-day with a genuine bombshell story that Epstein attempted to exploit an affair Gates had in 2010 with a young Russian bridge player to coerce Gates into contributing at least $100 million to a foundation that Epstein was trying to launch, and from which he’d receive substantial “management” fees in the millions of dollars. The Journal somehow got access to many of Epstein’s emails, and they make for dynamite reading." [Hidden Content]
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