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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Israeli Government’s Response to Latest “Mass Shooting” Is the OPPOSITE of How the U.S. Government Responds! [Hidden Content]
  2. Ex-Clinton adviser says Biden's classified files debacle will 'knock him out of the 2024 race' for the White House because there could be documents about son Hunter's 'big Ukraine bribery scandal! [Hidden Content]
  3. Survey of Embalmers Reveals Massive Increase in White Blood Clots Since Covid 'Vaccine' Rollout! [Hidden Content]
  4. Beau Trahan has ties to Art Briles! So, he should succeed!
  5. My thoughts are for football only!
  6. Have one question: Randy Crouch was inducted into the Hall Of Honor? Am I missing something here?
  7. Did you realize Shiff leaked classified intel to the press? Or do you not know this?
  8. Well, when you hire people for things OTHER than their qualifications then this is what you get. This is what the Dems call "inclusion"!
  9. Pilots are dying at Southwest Airlines at over 6X the normal rate after the COVID vaccines rolled out. Coincidence? Or is there something to this concerning the vaccine?! [Hidden Content]
  10. I'm curious: If a lady that doesn't work and has 8 kids, i'm sure she gets welfare. Now, can she some how claim the Earned Income Tax Credit and and get money back from the IRS? These are interesting questions. I do know that if a lady that does work and, say, has 4 kids and has some income tax withheld, she could eventually get 8 - 9 thousand dollars back from the IRS. Now, to me, what's fair, is that No One should get back more than they paid in. But, sadly, that's not the case.
  11. I go through key boards quite often! (Grin)
  12. My friend, your words: " it’s up to the players! They put on the pads, they step between lines, not the coaches." This is fairly simple to understand. You blame the kids and not the coaches when the job doesn't get done. So, connecting the dots Vidor has players! So, you blame...
  13. No insult, my friend. Just using your on words. Say what you mean or mean what you say. Or do you not remember your last couple of your sentences?! LOL!
  14. Good point. Because home cooking usually doesn't work!
  15. Quick point: Even with a flat tax, say 10%, the more you make the more you pay. This can be done without the tax rate being progressive.
  16. BigNoseburdette: I wonder if any players past and present at Vidor knows you blame them for Vidor's football failures? I bet you've never been ask to be guess speaker at one of their athletic banquets!
  17. No changes in my thoughts on this. The Elite coach category is mine. In order to gain entrance one must have 2 or more State Titles. Now, Danaher is a great coach, no doubt. But one must always wonder: After all those years and all those wins why no State Titles? If I remember right, one of the previous posters that supposedly was close to the action, said Calallen was like the tallest midget in the room. Then in the playoffs they couldn't urinate in the tall weeds with the big dogs. Being a Championship coach is not easy. If it was then everybody would have 10 or 20. But -- membership is exclusive. One has to have that extra "something" to win multiple Championships. Let me put this question out to all: As it stands right now, which coach would Calallen hire -- Phil Danaher or Tim Buchanan? Pretty clear to me! But...
  18. The 7 year number is not an arbitrary number. I looked at actual Elite coaches to see what their basic time frame was when winning a Title. The average was 4 years. So, not being a total cad, I added 3 years. Now, this is for those that want to have a standard, philosophy if you wish. There aren't that many, at any given time, Elite coaches. I would say 10-15%. So the chances of a school sitting on a coach for, say, 24 years, and wanting a State Title is not very good. Burnett, Neumann, Faircloth, and Matthews, well, I pretty well knew a State Title was not in their future after 7 years. Again, if there are only around 10% that will become Championship coaches, then the turnover has to begin in order to find one. Now, I'll say again, that's only if a certain school district is concerned with winning a Title. If they are not really concerned, then by all means hang on to a coach for 30 years and see if a Title is produced. Now, well some be missed, like Barbay at Newton? Absolutely. But that's the price of have a standard and sticking with it. But this would be a very small percentage that you would miss. There aren't that many coaches that become Elite coaches after 20 or 30 years. Now, as for as the Silsbee coach: I actually had him penciled in for a ring this year. But was really surprised when they got eliminated. So, if a plan was in place, then yes, he would be replaced. He hasn't done it in 7 years. So what makes us think he can do it in 20 or 30 years? But, again, that's left up to Silsbee and if they even care about a State Title.
  19. This has already been dealt with in the past. But I'm going to discuss this again shortly.
  20. “During My Time as CIA Director and Secretary of State, I Know He Leaked Classified Information” – Mike Pompeo on Adam Schiff! [Hidden Content]
  21. I'll give you the floor. After seeing/knowing WOS' performance this year, do you feel that this coach has what it takes to win a State Title?
  22. Two things: First of all it didn't take much to have an upgrade in LCM from what they had as a coach. The previous LCM coach: 12 year record: 51-70. Only once did he have a 7 win season. But, on the other hand, although the new coach is a major upgrade, it doesn't appear that he's a Championship-type coach. It all depends on what LCM ISD wants. They hung on to a not-so-good coach last time for 12 years so this one might have a lifetime appointment. Again -- it's all depends on where their goals are.
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