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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Attorney From Anti Woke Civil Liberty Group Sues Judge Who Dismissed Kari Lake’s Election Contest! [Hidden Content]
  2. Also with a little help from the CIA! I wonder if Yobama had his hands in this also? Commies do stick together! [Hidden Content]
  3. I know he's not made a State Title appearance. But has he ever won an out-right District Championship at Vidor?
  4. Former Kansas Attorney General Phillip Kline claims U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland gave the special counsel investigating President Biden's classified documents scandal 'a very narrow focus'! Now it all makes sense. I was curious why it was done. With Trump's special counsel it's open ended. Nothing is off limits. I should have known this snake was up to no good.
  5. What we know as of now: These classified documents that JoeBama has were "found" November 2nd. This was a week before the midterms. Did not come to light until 2 months later. Very curious on that! The 3 places that have these classified documents are actually crime scenes. So -- where is the FBI?!
  6. Another Major Difference Between President Trump and Biden – Who and What They Allow Near Their Cars! [Hidden Content]
  7. After wanting to tell the truth, in her earpiece she is told to shut up! It's also amazing, like the guy says here, that CNN wasn't doing stories last week about the problems with gas stoves. But suddenly the Dems and the machine wants to go after your gas stoves. So, now all of a sudden CNN starts telling you about all the problems with gas stoves. This pretty much confirms that the Swamp is controlling more than just Twitter!
  8. More classified documents found at JoeBama's Delaware home!
  9. These classified documents were actually stolen by JoeBama during the obama regime. JoeBama couldn't declassify them then and I don't think he can declassify them now!
  10. I just heard a guy on TV say JoeBama's crack-head son had 1 thing to do: And that was to hide the documents! LOL!!
  11. Hummmm. Interesting! [Hidden Content]
  12. I'm going to put this out there: Could this all be a Democratic ploy to get rid of JoeBama? And could Commielina Harris be leading the way?! I'm sure she got PO when he said he was going to run again. So...
  13. If Joseph finds him a decent QB he could possibly bring a State Title to PNG next year. Plus I have no doubt that he'll continue to play excellent defense.
  14. Interesting proposition. To be honest, I really haven't looked into how much authority the State House and Senate in Texas has over local property taxes. Now, with that being said, in Jefferson county the joke, but probably true, was that one year taxes are raised and the next year property evaluations are raised. Each serves to soak property owners. Of course, arbitrarily raising evaluations gives cover to the politicos when their constituents start to question their tax bills. They can say, oh, it's not us, we didn't raise your taxes. And technically they are right. Politicians raising taxes is transparent. Arbitrarily raising evaluations by unelected people is not transparent! So, if you have any info on the authority of the State House and Senate to intervene in the local property taxes then let us know. Thanks!
  15. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Launches First Investigation Into Biden Classified Documents #GarageGate! [Hidden Content]
  16. Survival of the fittest! This rings true in just about any other aspect in life except coaching. LOL!
  17. Again, proves what the right coach can do for a program. And, you may be right about him not being there in 7 years. At PNG, Doug Ethridge got his State Title in 3 years. So, we shall see!
  18. Big girl, Trump never had nuclear codes. Trump had what was previously classified documents. Why? Because he can!! And -- because only "Presidents" can declassify documents. So, there's the rub, isn't?! JoeBama NEVER had the authority to declassify any documents. As it stands now, there are 3 places related to JoeBama that holds "classified" documents. Again, what's interesting is that China gave millions and millions of dollars to the Penn-Biden Center. And the classified documents, and possibly more, at this center just so happen to be concerning China and Ukraine. Is it possible that any of these "classified" documents made its way to China from the "Big Guy?" Thoughts?!
  19. I wonder at what point in time did Bella-Pelosi and lil Chucky Shumer sell their souls to the devil?!
  20. They have been after Trump for 6 years and still NOTHING! So -- why would they lock him up?!
  21. Hunter Biden Lived at Biden Home Where Classified Documents Were Stashed, Records Show! [Hidden Content]
  22. You do realize "oversite" is part of the Houses responsibility? Plus if JoeBama is committing crimes then the Constitution says impeachment is the solution which starts in the House. PS -- have you been worried about what the House and Senate has been to to the economy over the past 2 years?!
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