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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I did hear that after Labor Day this year he will announce that he's not running!
  2. Since 1975, PNG has been to 4 State Title games and has won 1 State Championship. Nederland has had 0 State Championship appearances. These neighboring cities actually have basically the same types of kids. So, what has been the difference? Why hasn't Nederland been some-what able to match PNG in Title appearances? Thoughts?!
  3. “Past History Is the Greatest Indicator of Future Performance” And there’s nothing from Kevin McCarthy’s past that tells you that he’s the right person to fight [the radicals in the Democrat Party]. – Rep. Bob Good on Why McCarthy Is Not the Person for Speaker at This Time! [Hidden Content]
  4. Folks, the bottom line is: You don't drain the swamp by continuing business as usual. Just look how the swamp has been been after Trump for 6 years and have NOTHING to show for it. The swamp is entrenched. But doing nothing won't cure our ills!
  5. Maybe this is the reason pro-American's in Congress are pushing back against McCarthy. We don't need another RINO. [Hidden Content]
  6. Or -- he, and others, could be doing it out of principle. You know, something lost now-a-days!
  7. Actually I was talking about us not serving at the Donald's alter. It was stated that Trump supports McCarthy. Not sure why he did this, but...
  8. Healthy debate, which has happened 14 time previous, equals a dying party? Please explain! I wish the Dems would have had this same debate then we might not have had to deal with pelosi!
  9. This proves we don't always follow in lockstep!
  10. Bob Good drops nuke: "If McCarthy had fought as hard for the American people over the years as he has for the Speakership, we would be having a very different discussion right now." [Hidden Content]
  11. Congressman Chip Roy said what's going in the House is what a debate looks like. Something that the Dems don't like. Also, a little history: There's been 14 multi ballot Speakerships in the past. The longest one was in 1855 which was 2 months and 133 ballots. Why hurry when you are trying to get it right. I guess our side could be like the Dems and fall lock-step in line with pelosi. And you see how that's worked out for us!
  12. Rep. Gaetz: McCarthy 'Refused' on 'Term Limits,' Balanced Budget, and 'Border Plan'! [Hidden Content]
  13. Many years ago. But it is my understanding Trump never partook of the Lolita Express and Epstien's Island.
  14. Can we/you be sure he never diddled underage girls on Epstein's Island?! I mean, if I understand it right, that's what Epstein was all about!
  15. So, if it was so good and affordable -- then why did Congress "exempt" themselves from it?!
  16. Over 333,472 Misdemeanors Committed in Kari Lake’s Election, But Trial Court Judge Shrugged Them Off! [Hidden Content]
  17. From the article: "Bickford allegedly told police after his arrest that he had been planning to specifically attack police officers, according to CBS New York. A diary reportedly belonging to Bickford detailed his turn toward radical Islam in recent months." This thug lived in Maine. And was on the FBI's watch list. My question: Why weren't they watching him?! Again, I guess we could say it was a Baptist that did this. But... Well, on the other hand, I guess, this thug could "identify" as a Baptist! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  18. Report: At Least 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year During Competition! [Hidden Content] 49 Percent of Americans Say It’s ‘Likely’ COVID Vaccines Caused ‘Significant Number’ of Mysterious Deaths! [Hidden Content]
  19. No. I was more interested in the picture. Hummm, looks like they removed the link!
  20. The devil is, again, at work within the present day demoncratic party! [Hidden Content]
  21. Take a look at the picture. The obvious question is: Who is paying for these signs and shirts these "poor" people are wearing?! [Hidden Content]
  22. Kari has precedent on her side. From the article: "It would not be unprecedented if the high court decided in her favor overturning the election, even after the trial court ruled the other way. There is also precedent for an election being overturned even after a “winner” of the governor’s race was sworn in and began to serve. In November 1916, when “State 48” was young, its very first governor, Democrat George Wylie Paul Hunt, was running for a third two-year term, Phoenix Magazine reported. Then, as now, the format of the ballot itself played a major role in the election." The Governor that was in office at the time was in office for 1 year before the election was overturned! So, that's why we fight! [Hidden Content]
  23. 1. Launch investigation into Biden Crime Family – based on extensive evidence from Hunter Biden laptop. 2. Investigate Joe Biden for violating his own Sexual Predator-Groper Bill. 3. Demand tax returns from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, and Hunter Biden. 4. Release and make public all video footage – the 14,000 hours of hidden video – taken on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol. 5. Demand the FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, etc. release information on the dozens if not hundreds of federal operatives working inside the crowd and organizing violence on January 6, 2021. 6. Demand a copy of the affidavit and all supporting documentation for the Biden DOJ-FBI raid on President Trump’s home. 7. Get all of former Speaker Pelosi’s emails, text messages, her film crew’s footage, and records related to the 2020 election and Jan 6. 9. Begin immediate investigation into Democrat dark money and the many corrupt Democrat-linked NGOs that they use to skirt US laws. 10. Begin an investigation and audit of all money sent to and from Ukraine, especially money related to the Bidens and other corrupt politicians. And the related donations to Democrats from FTX crypto company. 11. Immediately obtain and release Adam Schiff’s interview with corrupt former ICIG Atkinson during the first Trump impeachment sham. 12. Investigate all actors related to the attempted coup of President Trump starting with the Russia collusion sham. Added bonus: Subpeona the footage from the Capitol Police of the Paul Pelosi attack in California. This story doesn’t add up. [Hidden Content]
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