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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Remember, Nixon and Reagan was Governor at one time. Thoughts?!
  2. Was Obama the Architect of the FBI and Big Tech Illegal Censoring Machine? Remember -- yobama wanted to transform America. He's always been a snake! [Hidden Content]
  3. Election Day Chaos in Maricopa County Was Enough to Change the Results, Pollster Testifies! [Hidden Content]
  4. You'll notice our very own John Cornyn is on the list! [Hidden Content]
  5. Again, from Alan Dershowitz, Emeritus Professor Of Law, Harvard Law School: "The Jan. 6 Committee has voted to refer former President Donald Trump to the Justice Department for possible criminal prosecution. This referral violates both the letter and spirit of the Constitution for at least two reasons. First, Article 1 of the Constitution grants Congress "all legislative powers" and only "legislative powers." Under our system of separation of powers, the power to prosecute lies exclusively with the executive branch through the justice department. Congress has no authority to refer specific individuals for prosecution. It is beyond the scope of its constitutional authority. Second, Congress is specifically denied the power to pass any "bill of attainder." Prior to America's independence, the British parliament enacted such bills that prosecuted named individuals. Our Constitution prohibited Congress from prosecuting named individuals. The power of Congress is limited to passing laws of general application that can be applied to specific individuals only by the justice department and a grand jury. A congressional committee officially voting to refer a named individual for prosecution violates the spirit of the explicit prohibition against congressional bills of attainder."
  6. @Big girl Ok, if you say there is "systemic racism", and since we are all equal, it would only make sense that this systemic racism is cut right down the middle: 50% white -- 50% black! Right?! I'm not agreeing that there is "systemic racism". Just trying to make sense of what you think. I'll have more to say later.
  7. Chain of custody problems should be enough in it of itself to either have a recount or new election!
  8. From the article: "48 of 113 ballots reviewed during our examination were 19-inch ballots produced on 20-inch paper. This one-inch discrepancy cause chaos on Election day. Causing the mass rejection of these votes as they were attempted to be read through the tabulators. The expert testified there are only 2 ways for the 19 inch image to have bee projected onto the 20 in ballot which would cause tabulator errors. Both methods require an administrator to change. This could not have happened by chance or error. It was fraud." [Hidden Content]
  9. Attorney Jonathan Turley: Jan 6th Panel’s Trump Referral Not A Compelling Criminal Case! [Hidden Content]
  10. It’s as easy for these people to lie as it is for normal people to tell the truth!
  11. I'll ask you again: can you define "systemic racism"? And can you give us examples of systemic racism?!
  12. Remember, Big girl, that it was your Democrats that were the racist. You know, KKK and all. Just saying!
  13. I'm sure Alan Dershowitz has been called many things but I'm reasonably sure a "Republican Shill" is not one of them!
  14. Soros-Funded Front Group Played Key Role in Twitter’s Censorship of Bombshell Hunter Biden Story . . . Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation TOO! [Hidden Content]
  15. Elon Musk Asks Bug-Eyed Burbank Bolshevik Adam Schiff if He Directly Violated the U.S. Constitution by Approving ‘Hidden State Censorship’! [Hidden Content]
  16. From the article: "Just imagine for a moment that Donald Trump, Jr. (or Eric) sat on the board of directors for a foreign company and “earned” millions of dollars for literally doing nothing. He didn’t know the industry and didn’t speak the language. The only thing Junior brought to the table was his last name. He made deals with foreign agents and foreign corporations to acquire rare materials like cobalt (used in electric cars) that was sold to Chinese interests for profit. While on an extended drug binge, he took a computer with lots of incriminating evidence to a repair shop and forgot or didn't care what he’d done with it. Then he ignored all the calls from the shop telling him to come pick up his computer. That would be huge news, wouldn’t it? Of course, Donald Trump, Sr. would be crucified. The media coverage would be nonstop. After years of witch hunts, they would finally have legitimate criminal behavior to investigate. The thousands of hours of airtime devoted to fake scandals would finally have paid off. But change the name from Donald Trump, Jr. to Hunter Biden and the political party that stands to suffer from the revelations from Republican to Democrat, and the media becomes curiously uninterested in doing their job, which is to report the truth: That Hunter Biden is the bagman for the Biden family crime syndicate. The latest Twitter Files information drop proves it. Not only has Hunter’s corrupt and criminal business deals been exposed, the extraordinary lengths to which the FBI acted to suppress a true story have been exposed, too. FBI agents swear to an oath of office..." [Hidden Content]
  17. Alan Dershowitz dismisses Jan. 6 committee’s Trump referral: ‘Worthless piece of paper’! And he's a Democrat! Not many logical ones left! [Hidden Content]
  18. OK, I thought you were talking about his head coaching career. Which, again, he has not won a Title.. But, If he was an assistant on teams that has won Titles, then, again, OK.
  19. Kari Lake WINS Right to Bring Election Fraud Case to Trial! – Judge DENIES Motion To Dismiss by Katie Hobbs – Trial to Proceed WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY! [Hidden Content]
  20. Unless we are talking about someone else, Ken Purcell that was at Allen has never won a State Title as a head coach. Allen has only won 5 Titles. Was he an AD somewhere else to get 12? Anyway, I was talking about the play-by-play commentators.
  21. OK, I'll bite: Can you define for us what "systemic racism" is? I know it's a convenient buzz word from the left. So, help us out! BTW -- can you give us examples of systemic racism!
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