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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Either Trump or Ron DeSantis would beat Biden in 2024, survey finds! [Hidden Content]
  2. In 24 years as Vidor's HC, how many out-right District Championships has he won?
  3. Since Biden Inauguration, Anonymous Chinese Donors Poured Millions Into University That Houses His Think Tank! WHY? [Hidden Content] @Big girl @UT alum @TxFan What say you?!
  4. I believe Bridge City has a State Title. How about Vidor?
  5. Again, I'll ask: What policies that Trump put forth and supported that were bad for America? He always said he put America first. Now, when I've ask this in the past, many anti-Trumpers said he did "mean" Tweets and and he was brash. So, again -- what policies that Trump supported was bad for America that would make him garbage? PS: His Tweets 'never" made it into policy!
  6. It took this guy 5 days to charge his vehicle! [Hidden Content]
  7. Here's another salient point: Nov 2, lawyers "found" classified documents that JoeBama had "illegally". So -- here's the question: "Who" told the lawyers to go look for them?!
  8. General Motors wakes from the "Green Delusion": $854M invested into new V8's while ONLY $64M allotted for electric vehicles!! It's amazing what happens when reality jumps up and slaps you in the face! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  9. Katie Hobbs Rushed Away From TGP Reporter Asking About Maricopa County Election Day Machine Failures And Whether She Hid Pinal County Recount Discrepancy From A Judge! This may take awhile but I think this will be overturned. [Hidden Content]
  10. No, PNG gives them 12 years! LOL!
  11. I have been wondering why after 7 years JoeBama's lawyers, or whoever those lawyers were, are just now finding these illegal classified documents?!
  12. This was a text book example on how NOT to do things. PNG had it right. Now, if only Vidor will pay attention!
  13. From the article: "Woods completed four seasons at EHS. During his tenure, he took the Plainsmen from an 0-10 record to 6-6. The total record was 11-32 during Woods time with Enid High School, according to an Enid Public Schools press release." Has me scratching my head!
  14. When it needed to be used to launder money back to the Demoncrats! "Anyone" that thinks not better do a little research!!
  15. CDC Knowingly Left Serious Adverse Events Off Post-Vaccination Surveys, Documents Show! [Hidden Content]
  16. Or -- you can be like PNG! PS -- Speaking of WOS, I agree wrong coach. I doubt they made a very exhausting search to find the best candidate available this last time around. If someone knows any different then let us know. If so, then maybe that's the reason WOS is in the shape they are in. Remember, kids this year at WOS are basically the same kids WOS has always had.
  17. You are 100% correct! The kids are the same!
  18. Curious: Was this a voluntary or a forced departure?
  19. Yes, we see voter fraud still alive and well in Arizona. I personally don't think DeSantis could beat Trump in a primary. It would be best that he wait for 2028. One area that Trump would have an advantage would be on the issues. Every issue that came up Trump can say I have already dealt with that as President. But, with that being said -- I will vote for whoever the Republican nominee is. And, YES, Trump won 2020! Trump 2024!
  20. Researchers Claim Coffee Is Contributing To Climate Change! Like I've said before -- the Devil has these people and they MUST be defeated. The Bible says, and I'm paraphrasing: When the wicked people are in control the people mourn -- but when the righteous people are in control the people rejoice! [Hidden Content]
  21. Well, this is interesting! Tomi Lahren Said: "Aren’t these classified documents technically Obama’s? I thought all of his stuff was accounted for…"
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